Reciting the Apostles / Nicene Creed swears allegiance to the Popes, idol worship and high blasphemy...
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Tantum Ergo
2013-01-24 16:39:55 UTC
  ever take a close look at what's being said in the Apostles / Nicene Creeds ?
 reciting such marks the reciter as being under the leadership of the Popes... swearing allegiance
to them along with necromancy... calling up the dead... and blaspheme's against God all in one
No Sir, the pope is not mentioned in the CREED
And no the Bishop of Rome did not preside over the council
that drafted the CREED. Constantine, the Blessed emperor presided
according to reliable historians and some parts of the creed are
the emperor own words
 the Popes think they are the successors of Peter and, like him, speak infallibly in matter's
pertaining to Bible doctrine.  because they think Peter is Divinely appointed as head of the
Church... and they themselves certainly are no head spiritual or otherwise to the elect Church,
they've stealthily incorporated into these two Creeds lines whereas the reciter commits himself to
their rulership...
The Creed summarized Paul's teaching on the Father, the Son(Messiah)
and the Holy Spirit
It is a kind of Christological statement, hence the dogma of Trinity.
The Father who created the universe seen and unseen.
The Messiah(Son) who was born of the Virgin Mary
The Holy Ghost, the giver of life
and the Catholic and apostolic Church
 this is incased in the idea by the phrase " Apostolic Church. "
 the phrase committing the reciter to idol worship / people worship is the explanation by them
Jesus is no idol
" The " communion of saints " is the spiritual solidarity which binds together the faithful on
earth, the souls in purgatory, and the saints in heaven in the organic unity of the same mystical
body under Christ its head, and in a constant interchange of supernatural offices."
I did not see Communion of the Saints in the body of the Creed, but
then again I might have
missed it so post it for me.
 we also find in these Creeds the worship of Mary.  no where does the Word of God name Mary as
the " Virgin Mary."  everybody knows that the RCC and the Orthodox religion claim Mary to be what
these call ' ever virgin."  and because they desire Mary to be Co-Savior, they needs be concoct a
suitable portfolio for her.  this is why we see graven images of what they want Mary to look like
always figured as a Gentile faced young maiden... this is why we find all sorts of unBiblical ideas
qualifying her to be the goddess deity they want as a forgiver of sin.
 such ideas that Joseph was previously married and had children he brought into his marriage to Mary
is just one of the many lies they've concocted to help Mary's portfolio.  Mary indeed had other
children while married to Joseph, Mk.6, at least six.  with eternal God her first born and next of
kin why would she have married Joseph except to go the way of human nature ?  this is besides their
claiming her to be born sinless... an absolute lie according to Holy Scripture, Ro.3:10 and
 we see in these Creeds a segregated God.  this stems from the idea of dispensationalism.  there is
One Living God, Eph.4:5, not three not four.  dispensationalism helps push along the idea that Mary
is Co-Savior... a sinless being worthy of worship, which these denominations rather use the synonym
" venerate." getting on ones knees and praying to a dead human asking for favor's and forgiveness of
sins is nonetheless high blasphemy and defines people doing such as liars and anti-Christs,
1 Jn.2:22.
 the only Creed the elect will ever endorse is the Word of God... the 66 Books of the entire Bible,
handed down directly from Him to His select prophets and apostles and handed to us so we can make
our calling and election sure by His truth found in it, not in man's denominational creeds.
2013-03-19 20:54:17 UTC

I guess that we should evaluate the penance of the church with great care;
As a drawback, Before thinking about God, I think that we could try to develop the shield of
the church using centers of excellence;
I should also mention that it is urgent to decrease the fortress of the church accurately with Jesus
with great confidence before evaluating God
