(too old to reply)
2017-02-09 20:35:11 UTC

DOLF: "Why would [such *MUCKRAKE* {ie. to search for and expose real or
alleged corruption, scandal, or the like, especially in politics; Courtesy:
Word of the Day for 9 February, 2017; www.dictionary.com}] interest me of
all people?

We've had such sad news today in that media reported up to 20% of priests
associated with Roman Catholic religious orders have been historically
involved within a criminal activity as the debauched life of pedophilia
[*and* *against* *their* *august* *vow* *of* *celibacy*].

So what of the Pontiff in his Sovereign city-state and your eucharist as
soggy biscuit (ie. suck on that you little ***@ck) is only then a Satanic
ritual and for which you'll keep your matrimonial oath as bestowal of [an
unmerited] soul to that wretched creature."

RICHARD HEATHFIELD (***@CPAX.ORG.UK): "Accusations aren't proof. Whilst
abuse is an extraordinarily serious problem, it is also true that people
must be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. It is
undoubtedly true that such abuse takes place, but it is also undoubtedly
true that some abuse allegations are fraudulent or erroneous ("false
memory"). The conviction statistics would give a much more accurate picture
of the real scale of the problem.

Perhaps it would be worth finding out what the /Australian/ press has to
say about events in Australia. The best data I have (which is for 2005)
reports that there are just over 3,000 Catholic priests in Australia."

DOLF: "You apologist dog: 'accusations aren't proof'

That 3 word statement makes you as guilty as the perpetrators [over] which
facts of accusations were reported by the Royal Commission [as you know by
such referenced inclusion within the message to which you have replied]
into such crimes against the humanity and dignity of the persons [as minors
who ought to be protected by the law].

Now you either retract your statement as being most improper to have
concluded and publicly made or you cease posting because you are such an
offence to the sensibilities of all that is reasonable.

Pope Francis' recent statement about Catholics making an apology to the
GLBTI Community is the second time he has done so in being equally impudent
and impotent in perversity as is your statement.

I want to see a monetary compensation made to those persons against whom
*the* *treasonable* *crimes* *was* *committed* *on* *the* *dates* *of* 31
May, 1998 and 21 June, 2000 *by* *refusal* *of* *communion* before [*any*
*other* *GLBTI* *Community* *member* *proffers* *a* *vain* *opinion* *of*
*value* *as* *whores* *of* *injustice* *and* *with* *no* *restraint* *as*
*impropriety* *and* *who* *can* *all* *wait* *in-line* *and* *beg* *for*
*their* *turn* *at* *taking* *the* *biscuit* {[informal]: be the most
remarkable or foolish of its kind}] and then I will believe such otherwise
dishonest Popery."

RICHARD HEATHFIELD (***@CPAX.ORG.UK): "Nonsense! Do you truly think that
accusations constitute proof of guilt? If that were true, why bother with
courts and judges and stuff?

People who have been *convicted* of a crime should be punished for it. To
convict someone of a crime takes more than a mere accusation. It requires
proof beyond all reasonable doubt. And that means reasonable doubt in the
minds of the jury who have heard all the evidence for and against the

I repeat: accusations aren't proof.

Imagine what the world would be like if accusations /were/ proof. If you
bore a grudge against someone, you could accuse them of a serious crime and
they would immediately be arrested and imprisoned. Or /you/ could be
accused (without foundation, of course), and then /you'd/ be in jail. It
makes no sense at all.

Do not allow the gravity of the crime to blind you to the importance of due
process of law.

I received an email (I won't name names) telling me that, by saying that
accusations aren't proof, I was as guilty as the perpetrators! This shows a
complete ignorance of due process of law.

If the police think that there are reasonable grounds for believing that
there is a case to answer, they will arrest the suspect. Transferring the
suspect elsewhere will therefore not be possible.

In civilised countries such as the UK, there is no statute of limitations
on child abuse, as recent cases have demonstrated."

DOLF: "That was my statement and since the accusations of such perverse
crimes as theirs and of yours were made by a Royal Commission it is you
that are continuing to "show a complete ignorance of the due process of
law" and of the sovereignty of the Crown above that of the Roman Catholic

RICHARD HEATHFIELD (***@CPAX.ORG.UK): "On the contrary, I have made it very
clear that the Crown has sovereignty over the Roman Catholic Church, by
pointing out that the Church does not have the power to prevent the police
from arresting suspects."

DOLF: "Now you either fully retract your statements as being most improper
and a perverse rationale given in support of such offence and disrespect of
the "due process of law" which is the soul and character of the
[obstructionist] Roman Catholic Church and the Popes who have sought at
every turn to frustrate justice."

RICHARD HEATHFIELD (***@CPAX.ORG.UK): "I am most certainly NOT supporting
ANY offences at all. On the contrary, I am fully in favour of the
imprisonment of those who have been found guilty of crimes that merit such

DOLF: "If you attempt to rationalise any further without an unconditional
apology and withdrawal of such offensive statements of yours, [given such
clear evidence of the contrary to which you have an obligation to inform
yourself: 'Perhaps it would be worth finding out what the /Australian/
press has to say about events in Australia'] then a complaint will be made
to your Internet Service Provider due to you engaging in unlawful activity
as the advocating of pedophile activity."

RICHARD HEATHFIELD (***@CPAX.ORG.UK): "If you do so, I will provide all
relevant information to my Internet Service Provider to demonstrate that I
have at all times behaved reasonably and rationally, and that your
complaint is utterly without foundation."

DOLF: "You have one hour to make such a statement and if it does not occur
within that time it will be construed as if you have refused to make any

RICHARD HEATHFIELD (***@CPAX.ORG.UK): "You can save yourself the wait. I
refuse to retract the perfectly sensible (and perfectly legal) statements I
have made. I don't respond well to threats, especially threats that have no
justification whatsoever.

You have made it clear that you haven't thought this through very clearly."

DOLF: "Have I made myself clear."

RICHARD HEATHFIELD (***@CPAX.ORG.UK): "I've received another email from the
same person, threatening to complain to my ISP if I don't retract my claim
that accusations aren't proof.

I don't retract the claim. Accusations are /not/ proof.

My correspondent seems to think that, by saying that accusations aren't
proof, I somehow consider the Roman Catholic Church not to be subject to
the Crown (I think he's in Australia, and I'm in the UK, so the reference
to the Crown is understandable here). Of course, I don't think any such
thing, as I made very clear in an earlier article in this thread.

Let me say it one more time: accusations are not proof.

When someone is accused of a crime, they have the right to defend
themselves against that accusation in a court of law. If the jury decides
that they are not guilty of that crime, then (in law) they are not guilty
of that crime. It's as simple as that. The mere act of accusing does not
mean that the accused is guilty. Nor does it mean that the accused is not

If a Roman Catholic priest (or anyone else) is charged with child abuse and
is found guilty by a court of law, then he should be punished (preferably
to the full extent permissible by law). But if he is either not charged at
all, or acquitted by the court, then that's the end of the matter.

A statistic that 1 in 14 Catholic priests in Australia have been accused of
abuse is mere scandal-mongering. A statistic that 1 in 14 Catholic priests
in Australia have been /convicted/ of abuse would be cause for very, very
serious concern."

DOLF: "You are continuing to make irrational extrapolations and
unreasonable rationalisations against the evidence of factual statements
made by the "Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses" [to instances
of complaints made of pedophilia as unlawful conduct] which are the
accusations of criminal conduct by 7% (but unto 20% within some religious
orders) [of the Roman Catholic clergy] that you have sought to cast
improper aspersions upon. The reason that they could not be punished to
the full extent permissible by law is because just like you, the Roman
Catholic Church considers itself above nature, law and order as the
exercise of fair and equitable justice by any other Sovereign jurisdiction
other than itself.

Despite your denials, you are advocating pedophilia by such wrongful
exclusions. And such conduct is unlawful and complaint will now be made to
your Internet Service Provider."

RICHARD HEATHFIELD (***@CPAX.ORG.UK): "No, I'm not. Dolf Boek has
completely misconstrued what I've said. As a result, he is wasting your
time and mine.

An article was posted in alt.christnet.christianlife that drew attention to
a newspaper headline claiming that 1 in 14 Australian Roman Catholic
priests have been accused of child abuse.

I'm not a Roman Catholic, but in the interests of reasonableness I pointed
out that a more meaningful statistic would be the rate of convictions
rather than the rate of accusations.

At no point was I abusive. At no point did I advocate illegal activity.
(Quite the reverse!)

The complaint is an over-reaction. I trust that you will ignore it."

DOLF: "It is noted that by such attributions of italicised signalling
within your apologist commentary, that you engage within pedantry as a
person who is excessively concerned with formalism, accuracy, and
precision, or one who makes an ostentatious and arrogant show of learning.

I repeat again, that the accusations are a statement of fact made by the
Royal Commission and which are supported and sustained by evidence
presented to such.

Therefore you ought as concerning your haughty display of a perverse
pedantic character of a flawed nature, correct your erroneous statements
which cast such improper aspersions upon 'due process of law' as justice so
that it is in accord with those made by the Royal Commission as being 'more
meaningful' than your vain opinion."

CATHOLIC SERVANT (COPY CAT TALK) PROPAGANDA: "Indeed, but not by argument,
which is why the Christian witness immediately following the apostles is so
instructive these 2000 years hence.

Which means rejection of all history on any matter right there as well.
The christian witness is as commonly accepted by historical scholars as for
any event/person of the same time period."

RICHARD HEATHFIELD (***@CPAX.ORG.UK): "It's a data point, that's all. It
tells us what they believed, but that doesn't mean that what they believed
is /true/. And I certainly don't take it as gospel."

DOLF: "Cease making such a fraudulent and fascist claim that 2000 years is
a justification for the Roman Catholic Church continuing existence as being
substantiated by God.

*I* *demand* *that* *you* *either* *substantiate* *that* *fraud* *or*
*retract* *it* *as* *a* *deliberate* *blasphemy* *and* *falsehood*."

RICHARD HEATHFIELD (***@CPAX.ORG.UK): "Sure. And obviously it is
acknowledged to be a problem, and it is clear that the Roman Catholic
denomination must take steps to deal with it honestly and openly and in
accordance with the law.

Churches are magnets for people with problems. Unfortunately, because
Christians tend to be trusting souls, people with problems very often get
into positions of power that they can then abuse (whether sexually, or by
acquiring excessive wealth, or whatever it might be).

It is therefore not just the Roman Catholics who have to put their house in
order, but pretty much all congregations over the whole world.

It is, in my view, unreasonable to single out the Roman Catholic
denomination for attack on these grounds. I am not a Roman Catholic, of
course, but I am firmly against this constant abuse /of/ Roman Catholics
/by/ non-Catholics (just as I am against abuse of anybody by anybody).

Let's acknowledge that there's a problem (many problems, in fact), not just
within the Roman Catholic denomination but also within other denominations,
and let's resolve to deal with those problems, helping each other towards a
solution rather than using the problems as a stick to beat each other with.

Far too often, this newsgroup is like a children's playground. It's time
for people to start growing up a bit."

DOLF: "We have a justified cause for complaint against the religious
institutions and especially the Roman Catholic Church--of which you are
also an obstructionist to our justice and human rights over which they
luxuriate in their in-humaneness and barbarism as impiety.

I'm firmly against Roman Catholics treasonable abuses of our Sovereign
rights to the free expression of a self identity as the exercise of an
autonomy of will--which is not in slavery to their bad faith as Eucharist.

*There* *are* *just* *too* *many* *Roman* *Catholic* (et al) *lawyers*
*and* *judges* *within* *this* *country* *and* *it* *is* *not* *possible*
*to* *obtain* *fair* *and* *equitable* *justice*.

The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006 defines
a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is permissible to
extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING AS A CONSCIOUS

That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor
prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[IOS] SAPIEN[T] as

After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its
geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean

MATTB: "What should be done to a Church when it is proven they helped a
priest [such as the Archbishop (now Cardinal) George Pell] cover up such
crimes? That or intentionally moved said priest around to prevent
prosecution [and he won't voluntarily come back to face such an

RICHARD HEATHFIELD (***@CPAX.ORG.UK): "That's called 'being an accessory
after the fact', and it's a criminal offence in its own right. It should be
prosecuted as such."

MATTB: "How do you prosecute them?"

RICHARD HEATHFIELD (***@CPAX.ORG.UK): "In the UK at least, it would be done
like this: the police would track down the individuals responsible for
assisting the criminal. Then, if they decide that they have enough
evidence for a reasonable chance of conviction, they will send the file to
the Crown Prosecution Service, in whose hands the final decision rests
about whether to prosecute.

Of course, as it's very likely to end up in the Crown Court (and therefore
before a jury) they can't actually guarantee a conviction.

The point is this: crimes are not committed by organisations - not even
churches. Crimes are committed by people. So the right people to punish are
the individuals who commit the crimes (and that certainly includes those
who order other people to commit crimes, as that is also against the law -
it's called 'incitement')."

DOLF: "That fascist apologist Richard Heathfield refuses to answer [the]
reply to his immoral claim of [others] having no just cause."

RICHARD HEATHFIELD (***@CPAX.ORG.UK): "If you've posted this in any
newsgroup, it counts as publication and is therefore libelous and
actionable (which means I could sue you, and I'd win).

I'm not going to sue you, because I really don't think you're being
malicious. You're just stupid. So, instead, I'm going to kill-file you.
Any further emails that you send to me will go straight in[to] the bin,
without my reading them."

DOLF: "It is not liable [for libel] at all. And is a remark which I can
[reasonably, rationally] make against you because it is sustainable by
factual [and prudent] evidence of which you [already] have in your

Are you the Fuehrer or is there someone else who is the [principle]
architect of your tawdry [accusation] that our justified claims [made]
against religious institutions such as the Roman Catholic Church constitute
an unfair impunity against them and [that] they ought not immediately pay
compensation to the unfortunate impoverished souls [which] they continue to
callously malign in any manner possible.

And not continue your contrary *WHIFFER* {ie. a person who frequently
shifts opinions, attitudes, interests etc; a person who is vacillating or
evasive in an argument; Courtesy: Word of the Day for 10 February, 2017;
www.dictionary.com} as whimsical apologist fantasy that ignores such
treasonable crimes against humanity as war crimes perpetrated by the Roman
Catholic Church as being the constitutional disrespect of the rights of the
Sovereign Crown both here and in the United Kingdom which you are also
subtly making.

I caution you however, to carefully read the evidence already patiently
given to you and recommend against you[r] making any further apologist or
rancorous statements, lest they be construed as TREASON[ABLE] and you
forfeit either your liberty or life.

Have I made myself clear?"

"Do not think that I will accuse you to the father: there is one that
accuseth you, even Moses {taken out; drawn forth}, in whom ye trust.

For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.
But if believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?" [John

- dolf


- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indR0lrejEwWVRra3c

Initial Post: 1 February, 2017
An article about some rc clergy accused of abuse was posted. Such info
about the rcc is widely known.
Sure. And obviously it is acknowledged to be a problem, and it is clear
that the Roman Catholic denomination must take steps to deal with it
honestly and openly and in accordance with the law.
Churches are magnets for people with problems. Unfortunately, because
Christians tend to be trusting souls, people with problems very often
get into positions of power that they can then abuse (whether sexually,
or by acquiring excessive wealth, or whatever it might be).
It is therefore not just the Roman Catholics who have to put their house
in order, but pretty much all congregations over the whole world.
It is, in my view, unreasonable to single out the Roman Catholic
denomination for attack on these grounds. I am not a Roman Catholic, of
course, but I am firmly against this constant abuse /of/ Roman Catholics
/by/ non-Catholics (just as I am against abuse of anybody by anybody).
Let's acknowledge that there's a problem (many problems, in fact), not
just within the Roman Catholic denomination but also within other
denominations, and let's resolve to deal with those problems, helping
each other towards a solution rather than using the problems as a stick
to beat each other with.
Far too often, this newsgroup is like a children's playground. It's time
for people to start growing up a bit.
Your point is well stated. Sadly the anti rcc bashing is the real story
in the abuse threads. Such bashing has a very long history in the u.s.
and it raises its ugly head here.,
Don't be surprised if you are accused of defending rc abuse bysuch common
sense and decent response to the bashing.
2017-02-13 02:55:32 UTC

(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 13 February, 2017

MAX: "This professional rugby player has been charged with 'being found
in a police establishment without a lawful excuse.'

This means if you drive by a police station and decide to go in just to
have a look you can be convicted of an offence and have receive a
criminal record for the rest of your life. How utterly ridiculous."


DOLF: "What do you expect as the Queen is just so hard hearted ...

Why can't she hurry up and die?

Isn't there something more important to talk about?

Such as why I can't after 16 years in having a malicious and perjured
3rd party (as a lawyer for AXA Group Insurance who without the need to
tender any evidence to substantiate his claim) reported matters to the
Police which were directly relevant to our national security and
constitutional rights (as disclosed within the 230 page document below)
as associated with 11 September, 2001 TERRORIST EVENT in New York World
Trade Centre.

They actively encouraged the person to present the matter at a special
directions hearing presided over by a blind adjudicator who could not
see the sincerity upon my face, and sought via telephone to thereby have
the matter struck-out--as the onus of an immediate accountability (not
theirs but mine) was just too large.

I have another such instance of unjust fascist police incitement that is
driven by an ingrain anti-semitic prejudice and which is scheduled for a
court hearing on 12 April, 2017. But I have prepared this document
below, in addition to those 105 pages already provided to the court as
more pressing requirements as the same objections:

1 v's 1.6 billion adherents of an erroneous and maleficent belief system.

It is simply impossible to get justice within Australia and I won't
because the Victoria Police {ie. #7 + #8 = #15} are imbecilic as
habitual recourse to anti-semitic as fascist and so I will now have to
lodge my International Human Rights complaint with the United Nations

Too much time has gone past and I will not ever enter into any police
station to make a complaint as I (being an ex-policeman as an
Information Technology Specialist), have no regard for them as they can
go to hell.

OUR CLEVER INTERVENTION AS PETITION following the presiding Judge
Hendrik Steenhuis of the Dutch court on 9 December, 2016, who in our
consideration improperly convicted anti-Islamic Dutch MP Geert Wilders,
of hate speech so as 'to protect rights, freedoms of others' which he
branded a politically motivated '*CHARADE*' that actually endangered
freedom of speech:

ODE TO GEERT {Germanic words 'ger' (*SPEAR*) and 'hard' (*strong* or
brave) meaning '*strong* or brave with the *SPEAR*'. The name's common
female equivalent is 'Geertje' as my mother's name}



ALSTUBLIEFT {ie. if you please and you as being civil, say this when you
give something to someone you do not know or is much older or more
important than you} AND ADIEU {ie. farewell as equivalent to the English
contraction of God be with you; But it's also a French song about death...}

YOUTUBE: "Adieu from the HITRECORD on TV episode 5 RE: THE OTHER SIDE"


- (noun) Australian Slang for a busybody; meddler.
- #383 = #80, #5, #100, #10, #5, #100, #3, #70, #10 = periergos (G4021):
1) *busy* *about* *trifles* *and* *neglectful* *of* *important*
*matters*; 1a) *especially* *busy* *about* *other* *folks*' *affairs*,
*a* *busybody*; 1b) *of* *things*: *impertinent* *and* *superfluous*;
1b1) *of* *magic* *arts*; and in this regard is equivalent to Nous: #56
- Abstruse Mysterious Virtuosity; I-Ching: H55 - Abundance, Abounding,
Fullness; Tetra: 46 - Enlargement; as a determination made of the 3rd as
the septet #369 magic square arrays and which produces the CATEGORY OF
UNDERSTANDING associated with the cushioned SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #434 /
#51 - Natural Guides and Nursing Virtuosity; I-Ching: H47 - Oppression
(exhaustion), Confining, Entangled; Tetra: 69 - Exhaustion;

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #56: Block up your apertures; close
your door; blunt your sharpness {Harbour simplicity [zhi] within you}.
Cut away the tangled {Eliminate the cause of contention}; Merge with
the brilliant {If one has no particular eminence of his own, people will
have no predilection to contend}; Become one with the very dust {If one
has no particular baseness of his own, people will have no predilection
to feel shame}; We call this 'one with mystery.' Thus one can neither
get close to such a one nor get distant from him {If one could get close
to him, one could get distant from him}; One can neither benefit nor
harm him {If one could benefit him, one could harm him}. One can
neither ennoble him nor debase him {If one could ennoble him, one could
debase him}.

Thus such a one is esteemed by all under Heaven {No one, accordingly,
can impose on him in any way}.

- (adjective) Clear and shrill: the *clarion* call of a battle *trump*.
- (noun) An ancient *trumpet* with a curved shape.
- #393 = #8, #90, #90, #200, #5 = chatsotserah (H2689): 1) *trumpet*,
*clarion*; @ 1200 hours / 24 September as associated to Nous: #25 -
What's behind it all?, Imaging the Mysterious; I-Ching: H62 - Minor
Superiority, Small Excess, Small Exceeding, Preponderance of the small,
Small surpassing; Tetra: 10 - Defectiveness, Distortion; within the
providence of the Greco-Roman Magic Square which has a computed CATEGORY
and temporarily has a mapping to #111 - Runner of the Sun (Heliodromus):
Sol Invictus

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #25: "Obscure, oh, and immaterial,
oh, it stands alone, unchanged:

Jiliao [ordinarily, 'silent and empty/vague'] means 'without physical
form or substance' [wu xingti]. Nothing exists to match it. Therefore
the text says: 'it stands alone.' In the end (ie. TELOS) it always
transforms itself back to what it was at the start (ie. ARCH), never
losing its constancy. Thus the text says that it is 'unchanged.'

It operates everywhere but stays free from danger, thus we may consider
it the *MOTHER* of all under Heaven."

- (verb) to act or talk in a *foolish* or silly way.
- (noun) nonsense; *foolishness*; silliness.
- #435 = #20, #300, #5, #60, #20, #30 = cakal (H5530): 1) *fool*; and in
this regard is equivalent to Nous #40 - Reversal, Avoiding Activity;
I-Ching: H36 - Suppression of the Light, Sinking/Darkening Light,
Brilliance injured, Intelligence hidden; Tetra: 68 - Dimming; as a
determination made of the 4th as the septet #369 magic square arrays as
the chronological plane and which produces the CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING
associated within the EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #307 / #33 - Achievable Goals,
Virtue of Discrimination; I-Ching: H9 - Lesser Domestication, Minor
Restraint, Small Accumulating, The taming power of the small, Small
harvest; Tetra: 35 - Gathering; as cushioned by SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #435;

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #40: "The myriad things under
Heaven achieve life in existence. Existence arises from nothingness.

All things under Heaven achieve life because of existence, but the
origin of existence has nothing for its roots. If one would have things
achieve their full existence, he must allow them to revert to nothingness."

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #33: "One who conquers others has
*strength*, but one who conquests himself is powerful. Conquering
others consists in nothing more than using *strength*, which falls short
of conquering oneself, for here there is no one else for whom one saps
his *strength*. Using one's intelligence on others falls short of using
one's intelligence on oneself. Using one's *strength* on others falls
short of using oneself. It one's perspicacity [ming] {ie. the quality
of having a ready insight into things; shrewdness} is used to illuminate
oneself, no one else will escape from it. If one's *strength* is used
on oneself, no one else will change places with him.

One who acts with power has his goal fulfilled. If one acts with
diligence and ability, his goal will surely be realised.

One who does not lose his place lasts long. If one examines himself
with perspicacity, acts in accordance with his *strength*, and does not
lose his place, he is sure to enjoy a long reign [jiuchang].

One who dies but is not destroyed has longevity. Although one dies,
thanks to the Dao by which he lives, he is not destroyed [buwang], and
that is how he manages to enjoy longevity to the full. The Dao still
exists after one's person [shen] ceases to exist, so how more likely is
it that the Dao will not cease while one's person does not exist!

- (adjective) boastful; *vainglorious*.
- #359 = #20, #5, #50, #70, #4, #70, #60, #70, #10 = kenodoxos (G2755):
1) *glorying* *without* *reason*, *conceited*, *vain* *glorious*,
*eager* *for* *empty* *glory*; and in this regard is equivalent to Nous
#14 - Praising the Mysterious (Metaphysics); I-Ching: H19 - Overseeing,
Approaching, Nearing, The forest; Tetra: 9 - Branching Out; as a
determination made of the 4th as the septet #369 magic square arrays as
the chronological plane and which produces the CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING
associated within to the EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #359 as cushioned by SUPER
(MALE) IDEA: #404;

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #14: "When we look for it but see
it not, we call it invisible. When we listen for it but hear it not, we
call it inaudible... Its risings cast no light, and its settings
occasion no dark. On and on it goes, unnameable, always reverting to

It is possible to know how things were at the beginning of time. This
we refer to as holding the thread of the Dao. That which is free from
form and nameless is the progenitor of the myriad things. Although the
present and the past differ, customs changing as age gives way to age,
not one single thing ever achieved successful order except from it.
This is why it is possible to 'hold on to the Dao of old to preside over
what exists now.' Remote antiquity might be far from us, but the Dao
then still exists as now. Therefore, although we live in the present,
it is possible for one to know how things were at the beginning of time

- (noun) A volume of articles, essays, etc., contributed by many authors
in honour of a colleague, usually published on the occasion of
retirement, an important anniversary, or the like.
- #383 = #30, #70, #3, #10, #70, #200 = logios (G3052): 1) *learned*,
*a* *man* *of* *letters*, *skilled* *in* *literature* *and* *the*
*arts*, *especially* *versed* *in* *history* *and* *the* *antiquities*;
2) *skilled* *in* *speech*, *eloquent*; 3) *rational*, *wise*; and in
this regard is equivalent to Nous: #56 - Abstruse Mysterious Virtuosity;
I-Ching: H55 - Abundance, Abounding, Fullness; Tetra: 46 - Enlargement;
as a determination made of the 3rd as the septet #369 magic square
arrays and which produces the CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING associated with
the cushioned SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #434 / #51 - Natural Guides and Nursing
Virtuosity; I-Ching: H47 - Oppression (exhaustion), Confining,
Entangled; Tetra: 69 - Exhaustion;

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #51: The Dao gives life to them;
virtue nurtures them, matter gives them physical form, and
characteristic potential completes them... This is why the myriad
things without exception must honour the Dao and esteem virtue. This
honouring of the Dao, and this esteeming of virtue, none are ordered to
do so, yet it always happens spontaneously... The Dao gives life to
them, and virtue nurtures them, that is, grows them, rears them, ensures
them their proper shapes, matures them, and protects them...

He gives them life yet possess them not. He acts, yet they do not
depend on him... They mature, yet he is not their steward. This we call
mysterious virtue.

[Courtesy: Words of Day for 8 to 12 December, 2016; www.dictionary.com]

In my view, Mr GEERT WILDERS makes a factual consideration in relation
to a logical proposition of mathematical quantification and not
prejudiced value: "Do you want in this city and in the Netherlands more
or less {ie. #334 = #10, #8, #60, #200, #6, #50 = chacer (H2637): 1)
*to* *lack*, *be* *without*, *decrease*, *be* *lacking*, *have* *a*
*need*; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) *to* *lack*; 1a2) *to* *be* *lacking*; 1a3) *to*
*diminish*, *decrease*; 1b) (Piel) *to* *cause* *to* *lack*; 1c)
(Hiphil) *to* *cause* *to* *be* *lacking*;} Moroccans?"

And he does so with an accompanying *MODERATE* as a normal manner of
gesticulation (ie. there was no nazi salutes because he is only a
right-wing liberal who is capable of voicing *MORAL* {ie. #334 = #40,
#4, #200, #20, #10, #20, #40 = derek (H1870): 1) way, road, distance,
journey, manner; 1a) road, way, path; 1b) journey; 1c) direction; 1d)
manner, habit, way; 1e) of course of life (figurative); 1f) *of* *moral*
*character* (*figurative*)} questions of what is right and what is
wrong?), had then a dramatic effect within the public sphere, by the
audience who voiced approval to the merit of the brief statement, as if
to say:

'Hooray! A champion of our cause and who can take care of that."

And they are not going to have any entitlement to my religious belief.

428-146 GREEN. SOL 8 (SCRUFF) @ 2246 HOURS ON 2 FEBRUARY 2016: "Very
funny profile. Well done. lol Geert. hahaha. Never Mind. *AS* *GOOD*
*AS* *DEAD*. But Hey. Well done. Nothing like a good satire.
Geert.... so funny. You have to laugh. Geert."

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7inda0lLaVFPSHN3dlk

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indWnF5UXRQMlQ2RGM

DOLF: "Well actually you ought to check out my www page

That piece of technology supersedes every other religious belief such as
Judaism, Islam, Roman Catholic, and Falun Gong as [adherents] just for

428-146 GREEN. SOL 8 (SCRUFF): "Yes I did.... its a cheer and a
*delight* Aaron... good to see you haven't wasted your 9.999 Go Daddy
fee. The best thing about computers... Its keeps *the* *great*
*unwashed* and bipolar loonies inside. How's inside tonight?"

DOLF: "And if you read my latest post of today, you will see that I have
invalidated the Letters Patent to the Australian Commonwealth as well."

428-146 GREEN. SOL 8 (SCRUFF): "Ah. One of those. It might be time to
up the lithium sweetie."

DOLF: "I'm sure that you don't know what you are talking about."

428-146 GREEN. SOL 8 (SCRUFF): "Thank you. Just portion control and
lots of *water*.


- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indNHFyYlVHU29BXzQ

428-146 GREEN. SOL 8 (SCRUFF): "Mwhahahahahahaha

Try again."

DOLF: "Just take a look at the document before you utter your stupidity."


DOLF @ 2308 HOURS ON 1 FEBRUARY 2017: "That last document details my
being systematically assailed by [allegedly] the Jewish Community and
perhaps their Mossad agency.

I put it you, that they would not go to such [extremist] lengths unless
there was a reason to to so."


you feeling these days?

Well, doc. I'm feelin' a lot lighter ever since I got that circumcision.”

DOLF: “I again observed some renewed CYBER WARFARE attempts to install
malware on my various Computer and phone devices.

In that, I received a well crafted newsletter email purporting to be
from lms.awos.com and when I contacted the company they confirmed that I
didn't have an account.

The audacity and unmitigated gall of those Roman Catholic apologists
dishonestly accusing us of undignified and unmerited conduct in our
substantial, factual and proven accusations made against such as
Archbishop (Cardinal) George Pell and the nuns who run Saint Vincent's
Hospital, Darlinghurst, Sydney as the reasonable and rational claim
advanced of their treasonable and unconstitutional crimes against
humanity in shamefully and unconscionably being war crimes.

I believe that a special federal jurisdictional (ie. with universal
jurisdictional authority) process as tribunal needs to be established so
as to determine the many cases to be brought against each instance of
Internet hate speech (especially Karen Lawton and the members of the
Gippsland Gays Facebook Group, Pollyannar Gibson (Big Pictures) from "I

I would Salk include Diane Sisley although improperly feeling she may be
exempt from criminal prosecution in her role as the former Commissioner
of the Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (Victoria). And
let's press on with counsel Peter Riddell for AXA Group Insurance et al,
Peter Bowditch of the NSW Skeptics Society et al, Brendon Lloyd of the
Facebook "Australians For the Separation of Church and State" Facebook
Group, Barry O'GRADY as the resident atheist on Google Groups, and
especially the various GRINDR/SCRUFF trolls whose bravado with
testicular pain will come to naught, Dr (associate professor) Mark
Bloch, Dr Peter Sternhell et al associated with the Roman Catholic
Institution known as Saint Vincent's Hospital.

I have deliberately used the term CYBER WARFARE to convey something of
the gravitas as to the nature of their crimes once again perpetuated
with maleficence against the Commonwealth of Australia and its people,
the Sovereign of Great Britain (to whom I stand in awe and with
immeasurable indebtedness) and myself as 20 years of voluntary service
in this incontrovertible cause which is manifested to all.

I don't want any of these fascists to feel that they are beyond the
reaches of law, order and the fair and equitable exercise of justice any
longer, and I wish to bring the population into a proper solemnity of
their individual and civil duty to be "OBEDIENT, AIDING and ASSISTING

Such that, I wish to advise of my determined intention to counsel on the
appropriate penalty under the auspices of SECTION 9A - TREASON of the
Crimes Act (Victoria) of 1958, to whomever is the judicial authority is
in their making a determination within each of those matters, which I
have briefly listed above and severally others (its magnitude is
shocking as to be cause for the darkest chapter within Australia's
history of antiquity) as that which is specifically established by the
Federal Government and with the authority of the Governor General.

I'm a pacifist and unsettled by the prospect of an actuality. where I am
within quadrant of being firmly committed to a recourse as the
imposition of a death penalty and which I know is against the ethos of
this nation's people but I don't make that consideration lightly.

Accept it also as a foreboding of that which will be consequential to
such a prudent consideration. If there is then the cause for a culture
any further disrespect and unreasoned opposition and public protest, as
if your opinion which refuses to answer the abundant argument that has
been patiently and informally researched for over 20 years and without
ever anyone raising one word of reasonable and rational refutation as
counter-thesis directed towards me. As that insincerity of presumptuous
being against which I am daily encountering on social media network such
as GRINDR, SCRUFF and other places, both on the Internet and within the
street in contravention to the exercise of a due process of law within
each of those matters that I have now conveyed.

If my sensibility is any further unnecessarily infracted, as being
burdened by your hysteria as unaccountable and haughty disregard in
unbridled hate speech as effrontery to all that is proper and good in
the bestowal of an everlasting freedom, boundless opportunity and the
bringing forth of prosperity which will come upon our people.

I will simply have you consider this warning that my forbearance is at
its nadir and I will pursue a recourse of a fierce and considerable
retaliation in the forfeiture of your entitlement to be endowed by an
unmerited participation within an abundant life as the right to
citizenship itself.

It will begin with my using my mobile phone to take a picture of any
cause of offence whether embodied by the person or perpetuated by
speech, any act of commission or omission.

And it will end with the consequence of a bodily injury brought against
such an abhorrent and bellicose (ie. warlike) manner as the course of
life, by the remedy as the systematic generational (of your siblings
both vertical and horizontal in its ancestry) removal of your
procreational right which will be wrought against those who do so with a
malice afore thought.

It is not haughty presumption to suggest that the Australian populace
have shamefully sneered and cursed the very ground upon which I have
trodden as if my presence was a stench to their self bestowed and
mutually concluded pious sensibilities.

I am entitled to the sweat savour of a favourable regard towards the
fruit of my labours by a public recognition of it as magnificence in a
thunderous maelstrom which has permeated to the ends of the earth, but
which is unknown amongst my own people.


- http://www.grapple369.com/?time:20.03

It is not vain pride to suggest that such pervasive ignorance which is
your depraved manner of life, is rightfully declared a shameful
perversity by its begrudging with-holding of respect shown towards an
undeniable virtuous nature as the ethereal character of mine which is
the consequence of over 20 years as my solitary endeavours that is the
substantial outcome as a purposed life.

On the 12 April, 2017 I have a court matter where such a circumstance of
delusional angst will be confronted by the reality that there exists
within your midst a life lived, but not as you know it.

It doesn't require your permission but an acknowledgment of an civil
accountability towards a duty for too long disdained as inconsequential
and immaterial to the determination as the existence of life itself.

I anticipate by such a realisation that will occur as confrontation to
one's sensibility and as that which I had frequently warned of its
impending consequence. If I may express the precariousness of this
wretched predicament in such manner as this:

For Heaven's sake don't touch that electric fence which sits on the
boundary of permissibility as you will be electrocuted.

That the psychological shock and distress will be of such a magnitude
from which there will not be any opportunity of reparation--I would
recommend in the circumstance that a medical assistant is on standby
within the court precinct on the day so as to humanely intervene
where-upon the manifested anxiety is simply too much for any mortal to bear.

Now I think that my computer reinstallation has nearly concluded--this
CYBER WARFARE of predominantly heterosexual and female pornography,
women seeking a love and affection within their lives, of shared
financial fortuity in lottery winnings and get a job opportunities, has
now reached a threshold of determined as threatening physical, violent
retribution and harmful unbridled hatred made against my person, psyche
and wellbeing.

That any reasonable court of competence and empowered by an Universal
Jurisdiction would consider it as a treasonable crime made against
humanity in its relentless travesty that wrought itself upon an unarmed

Who by recourse to pacifist Internet and non-violent action as the
pursuit of only their fair and equitable human rights. Not as any
sycophantic indulgence of piety so called as the barbarism by which
others so freely self declare as to be so apparently manifest to all, as
their virtue alone.

But for the public interest and as an unmerited goodwill bestowed upon
others without prerequisite qualifications.

The freedom to exercise an autonomy of will as that characteristic which
is intrinsic to what it means to be human.

If that is so, then when will this inhumanity of others as a calumny to
a claimed greater and more righteous love come to an end?

I'm pleased to say that HSBC has recognised that such CYBER WARFARE has
perpetuated an unforeseen economic burden upon me as the imminent
prospect of a Hard Disk failure and have apparently, as an unexpected
gesture of goodwill solicited me by SMS with a second zero-balance
transfer opportunity which will greatly reduce the interest cost.

But I have to exercise a high degree of fiduciary care in how I
undertake this process and pursue the necessary steps to determine
whether it is bona fide because it may be part of a well orchestrated
malware SCAM.

So too the nature of the four telephone calls which purported to be from
Telstra and were made in relation to a known alleged security breaches
upon my Computer. When questioned about a return contact telephone
number they gave me a 1800 number which was applicable to Medibank Private.

Within 24hours I received an email summary of my particular medical and
extras insurance cover from Medicare Private. I ought in the
circumstance, to also exercise a high degree of fiduciary care so as to
determine its bona fide character--you simply can no longer accept any
email communications on its face value as all innocence is now and
forever gone.

But I must first rescue and secure my computer and phone systems. I'm
probably unnecessarily suspicious of GRINDR's motive in offering a
functional credit accorded by the viewing of a mandatory warfare gaming
opportunity as a debauchery by constant urging upon one a trifling
masquerade of sincerity such as Mobile Strike is deeply offensive to me
and Arnie's bulging of pocketed money is surely comforting to his
conscience. I don't play games and which can in my view be a vehicle
for an intentional malware infection as being entirely in accord with
the ethos of this company whose founder and CEO Joel (ie. finger paint
with shit at your command) Simkhal is a fascist Jew and you are guilty
of habitual crimes against humanity as to constitute war crimes which I
have well documented and they stand as a witness and a testimony against

Shorty thereafter, I had someone with whom I was SMS'ing over the
negotiation of a planned social opportunity, complain that they were not
only inhibited on GRINDR in receiving my Graphic Images as a mode of
informed introduction, but also of my progression of our meeting by
accompanying SMS textual dialogue.

This occurred within the shadow of a GRINDR profile that was within
proximity as conveying an abnormal monkey emoticon accompanying a
headline: "GET EVEN" or words to that effect as a sinister sentiment:
"not getting mad, getting even can be a lot of fun." Which is an
anti-social epithet exhibiting the equivalent unreasonable,
insubstantial and unaccountable value purveyed by the irrational
community campaign proclamation by the oppositional ignorant mass. As
popularism enamoured by the false pretence, that theirs is a justifiable

But then inexplicably, even the content of my subsequent SMS dialog with
this person which occurred on their new phone disappeared as if to be
further patterned according to the cabal of behaviour which had sought
to prevent me from having any entitlement in the opportunity for human
bonding and meaningful social participation.

That this sequence of determined, measured and distinct outcomes seems
entirely inconsequential in any real terms as to constitute any benefit
which GRINDR claimed it was bestowing as a targeted opportunity of
feigned benevolence, apart from the problem context of symbiosis as an
intentioned malware injection by means of prostitute through the gaming
/ video medium.

In my view, there is sufficient reasonable and rational cause for a
concern of thereby being a determined and calculated malice and the
grounds for circumspection and caution in using such a social media
product which seeks to operate outside any lawful accountability of
Sovereign states. And especially given the disdain for such ethos and
values which is evidenced by four occurrences of account closures as
unaccountable administrative overbearing in which GRINDR has engaged.

They have no integrity and cannot be trusted with your intimate details.

And all of this has had it's impetus within an improper complaint made
by an allegedly 18yo juvenile (although that is not an immutability as
he may not even have that lawful entitlement) who took exception to my
factual statements made upon the 100-year anniversary of World War II on
19 July, 2016.

So as to inform the GLBTI community within my immediate vicinity as to
the milestone progress. Sapiental thinking is not just having a
presumptive proposition: 'A' and then advancing its conclusive
supposition: 'Z'. As there needs be some hypothesis of reasonable
coherence in between.

As that which I had made within my auxiliary activism and advocacy in
establishing their egalitarian rights. And I with good intentions gave
it as an opinion of the substantial cause for the rise of German fascism
as the Golden Age of the 3RD REICH and it consequence as World War II
with its ensuing 60 million deaths.

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indRXAzR0JMV2Nld2c

And this as an informed and (to this day an un-refuted supposition)
sustained by my metempirical philosophical and metaphysical theological
informal research for which I have produced as substantiation, by a
mathematical theoretical noumenon as an Intellectual Property.

And humbly submitted it within the public sphere for peer review by
others who are endowed by nature with a more substantial intellect and
education than mine.

Accordingly, under the auspices of a claimed Universal Jurisdiction that
the wilful conduct in which GRINDR administrators have engaged as a
disrespect made of against the memory of our war dead, the Sovereignty
of our Commonwealth and a duty of compliance to its binding obligation
as articulated by the auspices of SECTION VIII to the Letters Patent for
the Federation of the Commonwealth of 1901 and not any arbitrary
hymeneal (as psycho-sexual racialisms) as arbitrary marriage values of
GLBTI Community in the vested good which GRINDR alleges to be in pursuit
of by being the titan protectors of as circumstantial opportunism and
their amorality.

With respects to an AUTONOMY OF WILL being the MATERIA PRIMA of the
SOVEREIGN PRINCIPLES as an absolute attitude of mind given to compliance
to the SOVEREIGN PRINCIPLES expressed within the original enabling
1901, there is a requirement under SECTION VIII to: "COMMAND ALL OUR
INHABITANTS of Our said Commonwealth *TO* *BE* *OBEDIENT*, *AIDING*,
*the* *event* *of* *his* death, *INCAPACITY*, or absence, to such person
or persons as may, *FROM* *TIME* *TO* *TIME*, *under* *the* *PROVISIONS*
of Our said Commonwealth."

The continuous campaign of anti-social, slanderous as hostile patterned
bellicose (ie. warlike) conduct in which participants of GRINDR / SCRUFF
have engaged is in breach of the accountabilities as duty placed upon
each an everyone one of us as prerequisite for freedom as our enjoyment
to any right of citizenship.

I have made both the accountable office holders as CEO at SCRUFF /
GRINDR aware that I have a recourse to justice and the prerogative
jurisdiction and sovereignty as the Commonwealth of Australia by means
of a claim made of an entitlement to a Universal Jurisdiction.

This is made on the basis of the simple and substantial argument that my
mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor prototypes
which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[IOS] SAPIEN[T] as EXISTENCE.


And that any unreasonable and substantially irrational slander and hate
speech as deified ignorance to which I have been habitual and
systematically subject to by the GRINDR/SCRUFF wilful and heretofore
unaccounted psycho-sexual racialism as hedonistic slander constitutes an
intentional dehumanising conduct as a crime against my person, psyche
and wellbeing which is made in opposition to my pacifist activity as
anti-terrorism being a voluntary and auxiliary engagement of warfare by
only lawful means in tangible support of our respective nations longest
war effort.

I further submit that if my conduct as public statements against which
the alien and hostile adult social media networks of SCRUFF/GRINDR and
its collective communities to the have had the cause for their impetus
of opposition, yet it remains in accord with Facebook's acceptable
community standards as policy.

And whilst my speech may have used contemptible and poignant words, in
having been discordant to the cultural values of some and ruffled the
enlightened sensibles of others, it was never an arbitrarily, fickle and
contrary action as is SCRUFF/GRINDR's manner of unaccountable

I have always been actioned and accountable by a recourse to a freedom
which has its essentiality within the substance of factuality and in the
pursuit of truth.

Whilst other such social media and communication networks such as KIK
Messenger, can pursue the enforcement of their prudent and civilising
Community Standards of no nude images as their acceptable policy as
social culturing guidelines through a moderate approach (ie. a 10 minute
service suspension, with a reasonable rationale and the warning of a
total ban for any further infractions) as the enforcing of community
values which are admirably intentioned on fostering a human virtue in
having a greater regard for the dignity of the person as compliance
given to a more civil conduct which is respectful towards the humanity
and needs of the non-adult participants of their mobile and Internet

And I applaud their initiative and have sought to bring myself into a
more respectful and compliant manner.

But SCRUFF/GRINDR's approach to fostering any Community Standard in the
culturing of an inhumane, nihilistic and dehumanising ethos which is
entirely arbitrary, circumstantial, fostering sexual dynamics that
exhibit modal incongruities which impugn the autonomy of will that is
intrinsic to sexual identity, unreasonably draconian in its
administrative approaches as characteristically overbearing (ie. fascist
by any other label) as dependent entirely upon a partisan and prejudiced
claim to be advocating on behalf of its constituents, the cause of a
superior humanity (ie. Hitler irrationally claimed the same thing of
monkeys) and which not only remains unaccountable for its own
narcissistic actions, but actively promulgates the evolution of a
dehumanising and excoriating culture of exclusion by the failure to
curtail delinquent and anti-social behaviours where any sexual
opportunism is manifestly a hedonistic idealism, which is claimed to
possess as virtuous *NOBLESSE* *OBLIGE* {ie. the moral obligation of
those of high birth, powerful social position, etc. , to act with honour
and kindness, generosity etc.; Courtesy: Word of the Day for 11
February, 2017; www.dictionary.com} as suave conceit in its triumphant
conquest in the adoration of the phallus as nature's endowment of manhood.

Yet egotistically, claims as view the resorting to a process as
disenfranchising of the essence and soul of the human dignity itself as
the value of the person being the other by its habituated pervasive
carelessness as a culture of disrespect which is always a quantification as:

#1 - a degree of avaricious want;
#2 - the potential of limitations upon reality;
#3 - a capability to beguile and stupefy with words, the quarry sought
as the object of virile necessity;
#4 - variance of acceptability as the cause for improbability;
#5 - the permissibility of idealisations;
#6 - the organisational readiness to eliminate any inhibitors to the
physical dynamics of opportunity;
#7 - to facilitate a sporting prowess of a proud accomplishment in a
mutually satisfying purposed delivery; and
#8 - a job well done, always wants more.

I have in the past, even given such cursory universal observations which
are independent of gender and sexual identity as summarily proclaimed
but not exhaustively made of the sexual act. Been accused of over
intellectualising how people engage their wants within this physical act.

Which some have more succinctly surmised as nothing more than a ***@ck you
and then onto the next, until you run out of opportunities.

But I put forward the counter proposition, that it takes a considerable
effort to garnish such salient observations which are not stereotypical
of one act over any other. And to arrive at such salient observations,
one must needs be, without prejudice adopt various propositions of
predilection: whether of dominance, submissiveness, functional role,
modality and its purposed, unintentional and consequential action. As
that which can significantly challenge one's limits of acceptability as

That I have as a composite anti-terrorism initiative sought to challenge
religious dogma (ie. whether belief, dis-belief or non-belief)
associated to same-sex marriage and which collectively finds it impetus
within the encapsulation of mind, body and soul as articulated by the
faux-wisdom as Pythagorean sophistry which deploys a binary (ie. gender
and spermatic bifurcated attribution) paradigm as a transformative
prototype within its HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER:

MIND: {#1 + #2 = #3} +
SCIENCE: {#3 + #4 = #7} +
OPINION: {#5 + #6 = #11} +
SENSE: {#7 + #8 = #15} = #36 (ie. H27 - Realm of its Nature as Heaven -
Formula of Universal Law + H9 - System's Cosmology as Earth - Formula of

'I *swear* by him who the TETRAKTYS (#10) found,
Whence all our wisdom springs and which contains
Perennial Nature's fountain, cause and root.'

And whilst this encompasses a broad spectrum of opposition which is
usually conveyed in varying degrees of acceptance, permissiveness,
toleration and equitability. And whilst the existentialist theories of
sexual attraction like that of mesmerism, may find it’s validation as
authenticity within a knowledge source of ignorance, distorted
realities, delusion or some other natural biological theories. It is an
indisputable fact, that in the circumstance of extremism, whether
religious based or not, that this opposition is more likely to be the
most adversely pronounced in being unreasonable, intolerant, hostile and

It is futile to attempt overcome this irrational opposition from any
perspective which is exclusively dependent upon semantical argument,
hypothetical scenarios or fictional realities. One must have recourse
to factuality as circumspection which draws upon a wide spectrum of real
(ie. whether good or bad, happy or sad is immaterial) experience which
is sustained by an encapsulation of mind, body and soul as articulated
by an alternative HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER which is capable of
sustaining sexual dynamics without exhibiting modal incongruities which
are indulgently capable of impugn the autonomy of will that is intrinsic
to sexual identity.

In that regard when I on 13 September, 2016 expressed an opinion on the
“Autonomy of Will: Same Sex Marriage & Retaining the Liberty of
Recreational Sexual Activity” to various Gay and Bisexual Community
specialist interest FaceBook Groups including “Nasty Kink Pigs” as
comprising some 2,700 members, with the view: “to clearly convey to
those dogmatic religionists that the Pythagorean HETEROS mysticism basis
to their belief, non-belief or dis-belief is understood to be BABYLONIAN
WHOREDOM as the false worship of the gods Baal-Peor as Priapus (ie. an
erect phallus) and the sibling god Hymen (ie. marriage) and is not
associated in anyway to either God Almighty or his son Jesus
Christ--although they may as a state of delusion, believe otherwise.

That not only is an urgent repentance required from them (ie. they
cannot crucify the son again) but since this is associated entirely to
my Intellectual Property as a gay man and as copyright conveys a lawful
basis to religious belief as a natural and common law capacity as an
egalitarian right to the definition of same sex marriage as being then
intrinsic to an authentic DAOist and Jewish-Christian identity.

That the mantra, ‘I’m straight and I can marry’ is no longer a deified
proclamation given it's nature as BABYLONIAN WHOREDOM.

It also affords a grace and a human dignity in the unqualified
recognition of the liberty expressed by those within the GLBTI community
who routinely engage within recreational sexual activity as an ethical
sporting prowess, without a capacity for them to undertake the
introduced marriage idiom as their custom and is without a capacity to
moralise and cast aspersions on those who do not as their presupposing a
greater claim to piety.

Thus, I put to you that your statement is entirely false, ill-formed and
ignorant about the people of religious belief being capable of exerting
a disproportionate and an unholy force upon the independent conscious of
our parliamentarians with respect to the passage of the same sex
marriage legislation.

My indulgence in this response to you was to clearly convey, that my
quiet and unassuming manner of effectual persuasion in advocacy on
behalf the GLBTI Community is potentially most capable:

It's bite is excessively venomous as a poisonous asp.

If they (the claimed religious) due to a misguided and ignorant
religious belief, do not unconditionally acquiesce to this prerogative
as I have conveyed and which is placed as a demand upon them, so as to
enable the process of government to proceed unhindered in its natural
course towards it's reasonable conclusion in the enactment of the same
sex legislation.

Thus, given such a detailed explanation and this forewarning: that this
is not then an idle, whimsical vagary and un-intentioned boast to say,
'they can go to hell for all I care.'

It's quite within my means and capability to send you there.”

That not only did I no negative comments, but there was shown an
uncharacteristic high level of gratitude as appreciation expressed
towards a conveyance and inclusion of them in consideration.

And that same opinion was conveyed to the Australian Labor Party’s
FaceBook page originating post of 12 September, 2016 which a month later
still appears on the top of all the responses to their initial
submission, which itself received over 39,000 likes, 12,800 shares and
some 1,600 comments.

Again there were no negative comments received.

So next time you find an anonymous slanderous and knowingly defamatory
quote could you ensure that it isn’t from someone who has run off in an
abandonment of reality, any remaining vitality of life as their
wretchedness and vagabond (i.e. [informal, dated] a dishonest or
unprincipled person) substance of their being in having the Spirit of
God departed from them henceforth.

I have now clearly become the cause célèbre of a convalesced community
attitude of disdain, where after 20 years of futile and patient attempts
to dialogue on what I have considered the most important subject of life.

I am now being systematically targeted as an object of derision by
unbridled slander which is most sinister and perverse in that it has
never given any answers to the questions which I have raised, having
never provided an intuitive counter argument of reason as thesis in
opposition. Rather it has by an unbridled irrational hatred, physical
actions of malicious harm and deprivations accompanying defamatory
characterisation of slander which is intent on completing the process of
dehumanised of me by denying that I have any entitlement in exhibiting
an impatience, that I unreasonably being depraved in my opposition
towards others such as the Roman Catholic Church is without any
sufficient cause (ie. rabid and ferocious) to so brutally malign their
piety, who as men struggle with their perfection as to be accountable to
fair and equitable justice. I am characterised as being entirely
disposed of a rational mind as a raving lunatic.

I have been accountable for all my actions and every statement which I
have made and in some sense, my disciplined binding of others with just
my words and disclosing the prospect of a painful detriment, the
magnitude of such is unsurpassed. Might be considered a perversity,
depravity and a debauchery such sadomasochistic bondage and disciple.


I have now concluded my discourse and articulated all the necessary
argument to accomplish all my objectives which I had clearly proposed
and I will now make those unreasonably engaged within a cause célèbre to
now be accountable in a court of law, for all your statements and
actions and to clearly differentiate such actions from a fascist
identity—which you will not only be incapable of do so but you will bear
a severe consequence for such disregard made against the person, name
and dignity of another, without any consciousness of an accountability
for the consequence of hate speech as a habitual predilection of your
debauched life, as so lived indulgently to the expense and to the
uncaring, indolent manner as a detriment made of others.

And as community activism I have also given auxiliary and prerogative
support to the requirements for same sex marriage recognition within our
laws. This has been accomplished by the dramatic insight which I have,
relating to the culture of disrespect towards the humanity of others,
which pervades social media platforms such as GRINDR. And reasonably
ought not to be the determinant of any possible casual sexual encounter
between persons.

Sufficient grounds exist to raise the matter as a complaint of habitual
dehumanising conduct constituting Treason (25 years imprisonment) as
Crimes Against Humanity as being more properly a war crime, and which to
ought brought to the attention of the FBI within the United States of
America in relation to the Corporate culture of both SCRUFF/GRINDR.

Given a claimed Universal Jurisdiction, a warrant ought to be sought to
investigate such company records so as to identify the degree of
involvement and culpability by those companies within the violent Cyber
warfare as attacks which were expressly made in the last two weeks as a
deliberate targeting upon me.

Special attention ought to be given to the respective organisation's
responsiveness to the complaints which I have made to them in good faith.

In the circumstance of GRINDR, I seek the identity of the persons who
allegedly made improper and untruthful complaints on the 100th
anniversary of World War II on 19 July, 2016.

And yesterday I had a 25yo from the local precinct make disparaging and
agist comments which I consider to hate speech and a contemptuous
disrespect of principles relating to the SOVEREIGN CROWN as which is my
justified entitlement.

I seek his immediate arrest and will give counsel in due course as
considerations made by the presiding judge that he ought to receive a 5
year prison sentence.

I've been awake and working all night so as to secure my computer and
mobile systems. And one again on this occasion, because of the high
probability that my mobile had its security compromised, I had to
consider the real need to wipe all its data.

And if anyone is wondering where is the fruit to my 7 January 2017
comment: “I've been up all night trying to find some breadcrumbs of
mercy and grace for Victoria Police…“

The answer to that is CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING #386 - #6, #80, #200,
#100 paraq (H6564): 1) fragment, broken crumb, broth; associated to
this unusual title: 'Is Israel True to its Jewishness? A Parable on the
Lost Password as the Name of God'

NOTE: "White House Press Secretary gets trolled for tweeting 'password'
on 25 and 26 January 2017"


Nous: #45
Time: 08:40 hrs
Date: 2017.8.2
Torah: #1 #20 #1 %81 = #22
Dao: Extremes and Reversals, Greatest Virtue
Tetra: #28 - Change
I-Ching:H49 - Radical Change, Revolution (moulting), Skinning, The bridle

Latin: Aternum {Good & Patient God} Alt: Meboahyah {Havens (Harbors) of
God} {
4. Chous

Enoch {Initiated. Figuratively to initiate or discipline; dedicate,
train up}

- http://www.grapple369.com?zen:1,row:4,col:5,nous:45

And you have caused me data loss and financial distress such that, I
demand that the charge as an Indictment of Treason is brought against
GRINDR's CEO Joel Simkhai and he be subject to arrest and deprivation of
liberty until the matter can be determined by our legal jurisdiction.

I've had enough of it all, I'm hungry and I'm cranky. In that I don't
give a damn to have ruthlessly and publicly cursed his soul to hell and
I will not relent.

I will now place this draft into the public arena and undertake to
conclude it once I've had some refreshment--a bloody steak and a couple
of beers.”

The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006
defines a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is
permissible to extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN

That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor
prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[IOS] SAPIEN[T] as

- http://www.grapple369.com


After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its
geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean

- dolf


- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indR0lrejEwWVRra3c

Initial Post: 1 February, 2017
2017-02-13 06:18:11 UTC

(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 13 February, 2017

MAX: "This professional rugby player has been charged with 'being found
in a police establishment without a lawful excuse.'

This means if you drive by a police station and decide to go in just to
have a look you can be convicted of an offence and have receive a
criminal record for the rest of your life. How utterly ridiculous."


DOLF: "What do you expect as the Queen is just so hard hearted ...

Why can't she hurry up and die?

Isn't there something more important to talk about?

Such as why I can't after 16 years in having a malicious and perjured
3rd party (as a lawyer for AXA Group Insurance who without the need to
tender any evidence to substantiate his claim) reported matters to the
Police which were directly relevant to our national security and
constitutional rights (as disclosed within the 230 page document below)
as associated with 11 September, 2001 TERRORIST EVENT in New York World
Trade Centre.

They actively encouraged the person to present the matter at a special
directions hearing presided over by a blind adjudicator who could not
see the sincerity upon my face, and sought via telephone to thereby have
the matter struck-out--as the onus of an immediate accountability (not
theirs but mine) was just too large.

I have another such instance of unjust fascist police incitement that is
driven by an ingrain anti-semitic prejudice and which is scheduled for a
court hearing on 12 April, 2017. But I have prepared this document
below, in addition to those 105 pages already provided to the court as
more pressing requirements as the same objections:

1 v's 1.6 billion adherents of an erroneous and maleficent belief system.

It is simply impossible to get justice within Australia and I won't
because the Victoria Police {ie. #7 + #8 = #15} are imbecilic as
habitual recourse to anti-semitic as fascist and so I will now have to
lodge my International Human Rights complaint with the United Nations

Too much time has gone past and I will not ever enter into any police
station to make a complaint as I (being an ex-policeman as an
Information Technology Specialist), have no regard for them as they can
go to hell.

OUR CLEVER INTERVENTION AS PETITION following the presiding Judge
Hendrik Steenhuis of the Dutch court on 9 December, 2016, who in our
consideration improperly convicted anti-Islamic Dutch MP Geert Wilders,
of hate speech so as 'to protect rights, freedoms of others' which he
branded a politically motivated '*CHARADE*' that actually endangered
freedom of speech:

ODE TO GEERT {Germanic words 'ger' (*SPEAR*) and 'hard' (*strong* or
brave) meaning '*strong* or brave with the *SPEAR*'. The name's common
female equivalent is 'Geertje' as my mother's name}



ALSTUBLIEFT {ie. if you please and you as being civil, say this when you
give something to someone you do not know or is much older or more
important than you} AND ADIEU {ie. farewell as equivalent to the English
contraction of God be with you; But it's also a French song about death...}

YOUTUBE: "Adieu from the HITRECORD on TV episode 5 RE: THE OTHER SIDE"

- http://youtu.be/0ZfNeDyZNcA

- (noun) Australian Slang for a busybody; meddler.
- #383 = #80, #5, #100, #10, #5, #100, #3, #70, #10 = periergos (G4021):
1) *busy* *about* *trifles* *and* *neglectful* *of* *important*
*matters*; 1a) *especially* *busy* *about* *other* *folks*' *affairs*,
*a* *busybody*; 1b) *of* *things*: *impertinent* *and* *superfluous*;
1b1) *of* *magic* *arts*; and in this regard is equivalent to Nous: #56
- Abstruse Mysterious Virtuosity; I-Ching: H55 - Abundance, Abounding,
Fullness; Tetra: 46 - Enlargement; as a determination made of the 3rd as
the septet #369 magic square arrays and which produces the CATEGORY OF
UNDERSTANDING associated with the cushioned SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #434 /
#51 - Natural Guides and Nursing Virtuosity; I-Ching: H47 - Oppression
(exhaustion), Confining, Entangled; Tetra: 69 - Exhaustion;

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #56: Block up your apertures; close
your door; blunt your sharpness {Harbour simplicity [zhi] within you}.
Cut away the tangled {Eliminate the cause of contention}; Merge with
the brilliant {If one has no particular eminence of his own, people will
have no predilection to contend}; Become one with the very dust {If one
has no particular baseness of his own, people will have no predilection
to feel shame}; We call this 'one with mystery.' Thus one can neither
get close to such a one nor get distant from him {If one could get close
to him, one could get distant from him}; One can neither benefit nor
harm him {If one could benefit him, one could harm him}. One can
neither ennoble him nor debase him {If one could ennoble him, one could
debase him}.

Thus such a one is esteemed by all under Heaven {No one, accordingly,
can impose on him in any way}.

- (adjective) Clear and shrill: the *clarion* call of a battle *trump*.
- (noun) An ancient *trumpet* with a curved shape.
- #393 = #8, #90, #90, #200, #5 = chatsotserah (H2689): 1) *trumpet*,
*clarion*; @ 1200 hours / 24 September as associated to Nous: #25 -
What's behind it all?, Imaging the Mysterious; I-Ching: H62 - Minor
Superiority, Small Excess, Small Exceeding, Preponderance of the small,
Small surpassing; Tetra: 10 - Defectiveness, Distortion; within the
providence of the Greco-Roman Magic Square which has a computed CATEGORY
and temporarily has a mapping to #111 - Runner of the Sun (Heliodromus):
Sol Invictus

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #25: "Obscure, oh, and immaterial,
oh, it stands alone, unchanged:

Jiliao [ordinarily, 'silent and empty/vague'] means 'without physical
form or substance' [wu xingti]. Nothing exists to match it. Therefore
the text says: 'it stands alone.' In the end (ie. TELOS) it always
transforms itself back to what it was at the start (ie. ARCH), never
losing its constancy. Thus the text says that it is 'unchanged.'

It operates everywhere but stays free from danger, thus we may consider
it the *MOTHER* of all under Heaven."

- (verb) to act or talk in a *foolish* or silly way.
- (noun) nonsense; *foolishness*; silliness.
- #435 = #20, #300, #5, #60, #20, #30 = cakal (H5530): 1) *fool*; and in
this regard is equivalent to Nous #40 - Reversal, Avoiding Activity;
I-Ching: H36 - Suppression of the Light, Sinking/Darkening Light,
Brilliance injured, Intelligence hidden; Tetra: 68 - Dimming; as a
determination made of the 4th as the septet #369 magic square arrays as
the chronological plane and which produces the CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING
associated within the EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #307 / #33 - Achievable Goals,
Virtue of Discrimination; I-Ching: H9 - Lesser Domestication, Minor
Restraint, Small Accumulating, The taming power of the small, Small
harvest; Tetra: 35 - Gathering; as cushioned by SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #435;

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #40: "The myriad things under
Heaven achieve life in existence. Existence arises from nothingness.

All things under Heaven achieve life because of existence, but the
origin of existence has nothing for its roots. If one would have things
achieve their full existence, he must allow them to revert to nothingness."

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #33: "One who conquers others has
*strength*, but one who conquests himself is powerful. Conquering
others consists in nothing more than using *strength*, which falls short
of conquering oneself, for here there is no one else for whom one saps
his *strength*. Using one's intelligence on others falls short of using
one's intelligence on oneself. Using one's *strength* on others falls
short of using oneself. It one's perspicacity [ming] {ie. the quality
of having a ready insight into things; shrewdness} is used to illuminate
oneself, no one else will escape from it. If one's *strength* is used
on oneself, no one else will change places with him.

One who acts with power has his goal fulfilled. If one acts with
diligence and ability, his goal will surely be realised.

One who does not lose his place lasts long. If one examines himself
with perspicacity, acts in accordance with his *strength*, and does not
lose his place, he is sure to enjoy a long reign [jiuchang].

One who dies but is not destroyed has longevity. Although one dies,
thanks to the Dao by which he lives, he is not destroyed [buwang], and
that is how he manages to enjoy longevity to the full. The Dao still
exists after one's person [shen] ceases to exist, so how more likely is
it that the Dao will not cease while one's person does not exist!

- (adjective) boastful; *vainglorious*.
- #359 = #20, #5, #50, #70, #4, #70, #60, #70, #10 = kenodoxos (G2755):
1) *glorying* *without* *reason*, *conceited*, *vain* *glorious*,
*eager* *for* *empty* *glory*; and in this regard is equivalent to Nous
#14 - Praising the Mysterious (Metaphysics); I-Ching: H19 - Overseeing,
Approaching, Nearing, The forest; Tetra: 9 - Branching Out; as a
determination made of the 4th as the septet #369 magic square arrays as
the chronological plane and which produces the CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING
associated within to the EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #359 as cushioned by SUPER
(MALE) IDEA: #404;

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #14: "When we look for it but see
it not, we call it invisible. When we listen for it but hear it not, we
call it inaudible... Its risings cast no light, and its settings
occasion no dark. On and on it goes, unnameable, always reverting to

It is possible to know how things were at the beginning of time. This
we refer to as holding the thread of the Dao. That which is free from
form and nameless is the progenitor of the myriad things. Although the
present and the past differ, customs changing as age gives way to age,
not one single thing ever achieved successful order except from it.
This is why it is possible to 'hold on to the Dao of old to preside over
what exists now.' Remote antiquity might be far from us, but the Dao
then still exists as now. Therefore, although we live in the present,
it is possible for one to know how things were at the beginning of time

- (noun) A volume of articles, essays, etc., contributed by many authors
in honour of a colleague, usually published on the occasion of
retirement, an important anniversary, or the like.
- #383 = #30, #70, #3, #10, #70, #200 = logios (G3052): 1) *learned*,
*a* *man* *of* *letters*, *skilled* *in* *literature* *and* *the*
*arts*, *especially* *versed* *in* *history* *and* *the* *antiquities*;
2) *skilled* *in* *speech*, *eloquent*; 3) *rational*, *wise*; and in
this regard is equivalent to Nous: #56 - Abstruse Mysterious Virtuosity;
I-Ching: H55 - Abundance, Abounding, Fullness; Tetra: 46 - Enlargement;
as a determination made of the 3rd as the septet #369 magic square
arrays and which produces the CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING associated with
the cushioned SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #434 / #51 - Natural Guides and Nursing
Virtuosity; I-Ching: H47 - Oppression (exhaustion), Confining,
Entangled; Tetra: 69 - Exhaustion;

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #51: The Dao gives life to them;
virtue nurtures them, matter gives them physical form, and
characteristic potential completes them... This is why the myriad
things without exception must honour the Dao and esteem virtue. This
honouring of the Dao, and this esteeming of virtue, none are ordered to
do so, yet it always happens spontaneously... The Dao gives life to
them, and virtue nurtures them, that is, grows them, rears them, ensures
them their proper shapes, matures them, and protects them...

He gives them life yet possess them not. He acts, yet they do not
depend on him... They mature, yet he is not their steward. This we call
mysterious virtue.

[Courtesy: Words of Day for 8 to 12 December, 2016; www.dictionary.com]

In my view, Mr GEERT WILDERS makes a factual consideration in relation
to a logical proposition of mathematical quantification and not
prejudiced value: "Do you want in this city and in the Netherlands more
or less {ie. #334 = #10, #8, #60, #200, #6, #50 = chacer (H2637): 1)
*to* *lack*, *be* *without*, *decrease*, *be* *lacking*, *have* *a*
*need*; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) *to* *lack*; 1a2) *to* *be* *lacking*; 1a3) *to*
*diminish*, *decrease*; 1b) (Piel) *to* *cause* *to* *lack*; 1c)
(Hiphil) *to* *cause* *to* *be* *lacking*;} Moroccans?"

And he does so with an accompanying *MODERATE* as a normal manner of
gesticulation (ie. there was no nazi salutes because he is only a
right-wing liberal who is capable of voicing *MORAL* {ie. #334 = #40,
#4, #200, #20, #10, #20, #40 = derek (H1870): 1) way, road, distance,
journey, manner; 1a) road, way, path; 1b) journey; 1c) direction; 1d)
manner, habit, way; 1e) of course of life (figurative); 1f) *of* *moral*
*character* (*figurative*)} questions of what is right and what is
wrong?), had then a dramatic effect within the public sphere, by the
audience who voiced approval to the merit of the brief statement, as if
to say:

'Hooray! A champion of our cause and who can take care of that."

And they are not going to have any entitlement to my religious belief.

428-146 GREEN. SOL 8 (SCRUFF) @ 2246 HOURS ON 2 FEBRUARY 2016: "Very
funny profile. Well done. lol Geert. hahaha. Never Mind. *AS* *GOOD*
*AS* *DEAD*. But Hey. Well done. Nothing like a good satire.
Geert.... so funny. You have to laugh. Geert."

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7inda0lLaVFPSHN3dlk

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indWnF5UXRQMlQ2RGM

DOLF: "Well actually you ought to check out my www page

That piece of technology supersedes every other religious belief such as
Judaism, Islam, Roman Catholic, and Falun Gong as [adherents] just for

428-146 GREEN. SOL 8 (SCRUFF): "Yes I did.... its a cheer and a
*delight* Aaron... good to see you haven't wasted your 9.999 Go Daddy
fee. The best thing about computers... Its keeps *the* *great*
*unwashed* and bipolar loonies inside. How's inside tonight?"

DOLF: "And if you read my latest post of today, you will see that I have
invalidated the Letters Patent to the Australian Commonwealth as well."

428-146 GREEN. SOL 8 (SCRUFF): "Ah. One of those. It might be time to
up the lithium sweetie."

DOLF: "I'm sure that you don't know what you are talking about."

428-146 GREEN. SOL 8 (SCRUFF): "Thank you. Just portion control and
lots of *water*.


- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indNHFyYlVHU29BXzQ

428-146 GREEN. SOL 8 (SCRUFF): "Mwhahahahahahaha

Try again."

DOLF: "Just take a look at the document before you utter your stupidity."


DOLF @ 2308 HOURS ON 1 FEBRUARY 2017: "That last document details my
being systematically assailed by [allegedly] the Jewish Community and
perhaps their Mossad agency.

I put it you, that they would not go to such [extremist] lengths unless
there was a reason to to so."



So, Colonel. How are you feeling these days?

Well, doc. I'm feelin' a lot lighter ever since I got that circumcision.”

DOLF: “I again observed some renewed CYBER WARFARE attempts to install
malware on my various Computer and phone devices.

In that, I received a well crafted newsletter email purporting to be
from lms.awos.com and when I contacted the company they confirmed that I
didn't have an account.

The audacity and unmitigated gall of those Roman Catholic apologists
dishonestly accusing us of undignified and unmerited conduct in our
substantial, factual and proven accusations made against such as
Archbishop (Cardinal) George Pell and the nuns who run Saint Vincent's
Hospital, Darlinghurst, Sydney as the reasonable and rational claim
advanced of their treasonable and unconstitutional crimes against
humanity in shamefully and unconscionably being war crimes.

I believe that a special federal jurisdictional (ie. with universal
jurisdictional authority) process as tribunal needs to be established so
as to determine the many cases to be brought against each instance of
Internet hate speech (especially Karen Lawton and the members of the
Gippsland Gays Facebook Group, Pollyannar Gibson (Big Pictures) from "I

I would also include Diane Sisley, although improperly she may feel
exempt from criminal prosecution in her role as the former Commissioner
of the Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (Victoria). And
lets press on with legal counsel Peter Riddell for AXA Group Insurance
et al, Peter Bowditch of the NSW Skeptics Society et al, Brendon Lloyd
of the Facebook "Australians For the Separation of Church and State"
Facebook Group, Barry O'GRADY as the resident atheist on Google Groups,
and especially the various GRINDR/SCRUFF trolls whose bravado with
testicular pain will come to naught, Dr (associate professor) Mark
Bloch, Dr Peter Sternhell et al associated with the Roman Catholic
Institution known as Saint Vincent's Hospital.

I have deliberately used the term CYBER WARFARE to convey something of
the gravitas as to the nature of their crimes once again perpetuated
with maleficence against the Commonwealth of Australia and its people,
the Sovereign of Great Britain (to whom I stand in awe and with
immeasurable indebtedness) and myself as 20 years of voluntary service
in this incontrovertible cause which is manifested to all.

I don't want any of these fascists to feel that they are beyond the
reaches of law, order and the fair and equitable exercise of justice any
longer, and I wish to bring the population into a proper solemnity of
their individual and civil duty to be "OBEDIENT, AIDING and ASSISTING

Such that, I wish to advise of my determined intention to counsel on the
appropriate penalty under the auspices of SECTION 9A - TREASON of the
Crimes Act (Victoria) of 1958, to whomever is the judicial authority is
in their making a determination within each of those matters, which I
have briefly listed above and severally others (its magnitude is
shocking as to be cause for the darkest chapter within Australia's
history of antiquity) as that which is specifically established by the
Federal Government and with the authority of the Governor General.

I'm a pacifist and unsettled by the prospect of an actuality. where I am
within quadrant of being firmly committed to a recourse as the
imposition of a death penalty and which I know is against the ethos of
this nation's people but I don't make that consideration lightly.

Accept it also as a foreboding of that which will be consequential to
such a prudent consideration. If there is then the cause for a culture
any further disrespect and unreasoned opposition and public protest, as
if your opinion which refuses to answer the abundant argument that has
been patiently and informally researched for over 20 years and without
ever anyone raising one word of reasonable and rational refutation as
counter-thesis directed towards me. As that insincerity of presumptuous
being against which I am daily encountering on social media network such
as GRINDR, SCRUFF and other places, both on the Internet and within the
street in contravention to the exercise of a due process of law within
each of those matters that I have now conveyed.

If my sensibility is any further unnecessarily infracted, as being
burdened by your hysteria as unaccountable and haughty disregard in
unbridled hate speech as effrontery to all that is proper and good in
the bestowal of an everlasting freedom, boundless opportunity and the
bringing forth of prosperity which will come upon our people.

I will simply have you consider this warning that my forbearance is at
its nadir and I will pursue a recourse of a fierce and considerable
retaliation in the forfeiture of your entitlement to be endowed by an
unmerited participation within an abundant life as the right to
citizenship itself.

It will begin with my using my mobile phone to take a picture of any
cause of offence whether embodied by the person or perpetuated by
speech, any act of commission or omission.

And it will end with the consequence of a bodily injury brought against
such an abhorrent and bellicose (ie. warlike) manner as the course of
life, by the remedy as the systematic generational (of your siblings
both vertical and horizontal in its ancestry) removal of your
procreational right which will be wrought against those who do so with a
malice afore thought.

It is not haughty presumption to suggest that the Australian populace
have shamefully sneered and cursed the very ground upon which I have
trodden as if my presence was a stench to their self bestowed and
mutually concluded pious sensibilities.

I am entitled to the sweat savour of a favourable regard towards the
fruit of my labours by a public recognition of it as magnificence in a
thunderous maelstrom which has permeated to the ends of the earth, but
which is unknown amongst my own people.


- http://www.grapple369.com/?time:20.03

It is not vain pride to suggest that such pervasive ignorance which is
your depraved manner of life, is rightfully declared a shameful
perversity by its begrudging with-holding of respect shown towards an
undeniable virtuous nature as the ethereal character of mine which is
the consequence of over 20 years as my solitary endeavours that is the
substantial outcome as a purposed life.

On the 12 April, 2017 I have a court matter where such a circumstance of
delusional angst will be confronted by the reality that there exists
within your midst a life lived, but not as you know it.

It doesn't require your permission but an acknowledgment of an civil
accountability towards a duty for too long disdained as inconsequential
and immaterial to the determination as the existence of life itself.

I anticipate by such a realisation that will occur as confrontation to
one's sensibility and as that which I had frequently warned of its
impending consequence. If I may express the precariousness of this
wretched predicament in such manner as this:

For Heaven's sake don't touch that electric fence which sits on the
boundary of permissibility as you will be electrocuted.

That the psychological shock and distress will be of such a magnitude
from which there will not be any opportunity of reparation--I would
recommend in the circumstance that a medical assistant is on standby
within the court precinct on the day so as to humanely intervene
where-upon the manifested anxiety is simply too much for any mortal to bear.

Now I think that my computer reinstallation has nearly concluded--this
CYBER WARFARE of predominantly heterosexual and female pornography,
women seeking a love and affection within their lives, of shared
financial fortuity in lottery winnings and get a job opportunities, has
now reached a threshold of determined as threatening physical, violent
retribution and harmful unbridled hatred made against my person, psyche
and wellbeing.

That any reasonable court of competence and empowered by an Universal
Jurisdiction would consider it as a treasonable crime made against
humanity in its relentless travesty that wrought itself upon an unarmed

Who by recourse to pacifist Internet and non-violent action as the
pursuit of only their fair and equitable human rights. Not as any
sycophantic indulgence of piety so called as the barbarism by which
others so freely self declare as to be so apparently manifest to all, as
their virtue alone.

But for the public interest and as an unmerited goodwill bestowed upon
others without prerequisite qualifications.

The freedom to exercise an autonomy of will as that characteristic which
is intrinsic to what it means to be human.

If that is so, then when will this inhumanity of others as a calumny to
a claimed greater and more righteous love come to an end?

I'm pleased to say that HSBC has recognised that such CYBER WARFARE has
perpetuated an unforeseen economic burden upon me as the imminent
prospect of a Hard Disk failure and have apparently, as an unexpected
gesture of goodwill solicited me by SMS with a second zero-balance
transfer opportunity which will greatly reduce the interest cost.

But I have to exercise a high degree of fiduciary care in how I
undertake this process and pursue the necessary steps to determine
whether it is bona fide because it may be part of a well orchestrated
malware SCAM.

So too the nature of the four telephone calls which purported to be from
Telstra and were made in relation to a known alleged security breaches
upon my Computer. When questioned about a return contact telephone
number they gave me a 1800 number which was applicable to Medibank Private.

Within 24hours I received an email summary of my particular medical and
extras insurance cover from Medicare Private. I ought in the
circumstance, to also exercise a high degree of fiduciary care so as to
determine its bona fide character--you simply can no longer accept any
email communications on its face value as all innocence is now and
forever gone.

But I must first rescue and secure my computer and phone systems. I'm
probably unnecessarily suspicious of GRINDR's motive in offering a
functional credit accorded by the viewing of a mandatory warfare gaming
opportunity as a debauchery by constant urging upon one a trifling
masquerade of sincerity such as Mobile Strike is deeply offensive to me
and Arnie's bulging of pocketed money is surely comforting to his
conscience. I don't play games and which can in my view be a vehicle
for an intentional malware infection as being entirely in accord with
the ethos of this company whose founder and CEO Joel (ie. finger paint
with shit at your command) Simkhal is a fascist Jew and you are guilty
of habitual crimes against humanity as to constitute war crimes which I
have well documented and they stand as a witness and a testimony against

Shorty thereafter, I had someone with whom I was SMS'ing over the
negotiation of a planned social opportunity, complain that they were not
only inhibited on GRINDR in receiving my Graphic Images as a mode of
informed introduction, but also of my progression of our meeting by
accompanying SMS textual dialogue.

This occurred within the shadow of a GRINDR profile that was within
proximity as conveying an abnormal monkey emoticon accompanying a
headline: "GET EVEN" or words to that effect as a sinister sentiment:
"not getting mad, getting even can be a lot of fun." Which is an
anti-social epithet exhibiting the equivalent unreasonable,
insubstantial and unaccountable value purveyed by the irrational
community campaign proclamation by the oppositional ignorant mass. As
popularism enamoured by the false pretence, that theirs is a justifiable

But then inexplicably, even the content of my subsequent SMS dialog with
this person which occurred on their new phone disappeared as if to be
further patterned according to the cabal of behaviour which had sought
to prevent me from having any entitlement in the opportunity for human
bonding and meaningful social participation.

That this sequence of determined, measured and distinct outcomes seems
entirely inconsequential in any real terms as to constitute any benefit
which GRINDR claimed it was bestowing as a targeted opportunity of
feigned benevolence, apart from the problem context of symbiosis as an
intentioned malware injection by means of prostitute through the gaming
/ video medium.

In my view, there is sufficient reasonable and rational cause for a
concern of thereby being a determined and calculated malice and the
grounds for circumspection and caution in using such a social media
product which seeks to operate outside any lawful accountability of
Sovereign states. And especially given the disdain for such ethos and
values which is evidenced by four occurrences of account closures as
unaccountable administrative overbearing in which GRINDR has engaged.

They have no integrity and cannot be trusted with your intimate details.

And all of this has had it's impetus within an improper complaint made
by an allegedly 18yo juvenile (although that is not an immutability as
he may not even have that lawful entitlement) who took exception to my
factual statements made upon the 100-year anniversary of World War II on
19 July, 2016.

So as to inform the GLBTI community within my immediate vicinity as to
the milestone progress. Sapiental thinking is not just having a
presumptive proposition: 'A' and then advancing its conclusive
supposition: 'Z'. As there needs be some hypothesis of reasonable
coherence in between.

As that which I had made within my auxiliary activism and advocacy in
establishing their egalitarian rights. And I with good intentions gave
it as an opinion of the substantial cause for the rise of German fascism
as the Golden Age of the 3RD REICH and it consequence as World War II
with its ensuing 60 million deaths.

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indRXAzR0JMV2Nld2c

And this as an informed and (to this day an un-refuted supposition)
sustained by my metempirical philosophical and metaphysical theological
informal research for which I have produced as substantiation, by a
mathematical theoretical noumenon as an Intellectual Property.

And humbly submitted it within the public sphere for peer review by
others who are endowed by nature with a more substantial intellect and
education than mine.

Accordingly, under the auspices of a claimed Universal Jurisdiction that
the wilful conduct in which GRINDR administrators have engaged as a
disrespect made of against the memory of our war dead, the Sovereignty
of our Commonwealth and a duty of compliance to its binding obligation
as articulated by the auspices of SECTION VIII to the Letters Patent for
the Federation of the Commonwealth of 1901 and not any arbitrary
hymeneal (as psycho-sexual racialisms) as arbitrary marriage values of
GLBTI Community in the vested good which GRINDR alleges to be in pursuit
of by being the titan protectors of as circumstantial opportunism and
their amorality.

With respects to an AUTONOMY OF WILL being the MATERIA PRIMA of the
SOVEREIGN PRINCIPLES as an absolute attitude of mind given to compliance
to the SOVEREIGN PRINCIPLES expressed within the original enabling
1901, there is a requirement under SECTION VIII to: "COMMAND ALL OUR
INHABITANTS of Our said Commonwealth *TO* *BE* *OBEDIENT*, *AIDING*,
*the* *event* *of* *his* death, *INCAPACITY*, or absence, to such person
or persons as may, *FROM* *TIME* *TO* *TIME*, *under* *the* *PROVISIONS*
of Our said Commonwealth."

The continuous campaign of anti-social, slanderous as hostile patterned
bellicose (ie. warlike) conduct in which participants of GRINDR / SCRUFF
have engaged is in breach of the accountabilities as duty placed upon
each an everyone one of us as prerequisite for freedom as our enjoyment
to any right of citizenship.

I have made both the accountable office holders as CEO at SCRUFF /
GRINDR aware that I have a recourse to justice and the prerogative
jurisdiction and sovereignty as the Commonwealth of Australia by means
of a claim made of an entitlement to a Universal Jurisdiction.

This is made on the basis of the simple and substantial argument that my
mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor prototypes
which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[IOS] SAPIEN[T] as EXISTENCE.


And that any unreasonable and substantially irrational slander and hate
speech as deified ignorance to which I have been habitual and
systematically subject to by the GRINDR/SCRUFF wilful and heretofore
unaccounted psycho-sexual racialism as hedonistic slander constitutes an
intentional dehumanising conduct as a crime against my person, psyche
and wellbeing which is made in opposition to my pacifist activity as
anti-terrorism being a voluntary and auxiliary engagement of warfare by
only lawful means in tangible support of our respective nations longest
war effort.

I further submit that if my conduct as public statements against which
the alien and hostile adult social media networks of SCRUFF/GRINDR and
its collective communities to the have had the cause for their impetus
of opposition, yet it remains in accord with Facebook's acceptable
community standards as policy.

And whilst my speech may have used contemptible and poignant words, in
having been discordant to the cultural values of some and ruffled the
enlightened sensibles of others, it was never an arbitrarily, fickle and
contrary action as is SCRUFF/GRINDR's manner of unaccountable

I have always been actioned and accountable by a recourse to a freedom
which has its essentiality within the substance of factuality and in the
pursuit of truth.

Whilst other such social media and communication networks such as KIK
Messenger, can pursue the enforcement of their prudent and civilising
Community Standards of no nude images as their acceptable policy as
social culturing guidelines through a moderate approach (ie. a 10 minute
service suspension, with a reasonable rationale and the warning of a
total ban for any further infractions) as the enforcing of community
values which are admirably intentioned on fostering a human virtue in
having a greater regard for the dignity of the person as compliance
given to a more civil conduct which is respectful towards the humanity
and needs of the non-adult participants of their mobile and Internet

And I applaud their initiative and have sought to bring myself into a
more respectful and compliant manner.

But SCRUFF/GRINDR's approach to fostering any Community Standard in the
culturing of an inhumane, nihilistic and dehumanising ethos which is
entirely arbitrary, circumstantial, fostering sexual dynamics that
exhibit modal incongruities which impugn the autonomy of will that is
intrinsic to sexual identity, unreasonably draconian in its
administrative approaches as characteristically overbearing (ie. fascist
by any other label) as dependent entirely upon a partisan and prejudiced
claim to be advocating on behalf of its constituents, the cause of a
superior humanity (ie. Hitler irrationally claimed the same thing of
monkeys) and which not only remains unaccountable for its own
narcissistic actions, but actively promulgates the evolution of a
dehumanising and excoriating culture of exclusion by the failure to
curtail delinquent and anti-social behaviours where any sexual
opportunism is manifestly a hedonistic idealism, which is claimed to
possess as virtuous *NOBLESSE* *OBLIGE* {ie. the moral obligation of
those of high birth, powerful social position, etc. , to act with honour
and kindness, generosity etc.; Courtesy: Word of the Day for 11
February, 2017; www.dictionary.com} as suave conceit in its triumphant
conquest in the adoration of the phallus as nature's endowment of manhood.

Yet egotistically, claims as view the resorting to a process as
disenfranchising of the essence and soul of the human dignity itself as
the value of the person being the other by its habituated pervasive
carelessness as a culture of disrespect which is always a quantification as:

#1 - a degree of avaricious want;
#2 - the potential of limitations upon reality;
#3 - a capability to beguile and stupefy with words, the quarry sought
as the object of virile necessity;
#4 - variance of acceptability as the cause for improbability;
#5 - the permissibility of idealisations;
#6 - the organisational readiness to eliminate any inhibitors to the
physical dynamics of opportunity;
#7 - to facilitate a sporting prowess of a proud accomplishment in a
mutually satisfying purposed delivery; and
#8 - a job well done, always wants more.

I have in the past, even given such cursory universal observations which
are independent of gender and sexual identity as summarily proclaimed
but not exhaustively made of the sexual act. Been accused of over
intellectualising how people engage their wants within this physical act.

Which some have more succinctly surmised as nothing more than a ***@ck you
and then onto the next, until you run out of opportunities.

But I put forward the counter proposition, that it takes a considerable
effort to garnish such salient observations which are not stereotypical
of one act over any other. And to arrive at such universality, one must
needs be, without prejudice, adopt various perspectives of predilection:
whether of dominance, submissiveness, functional role, modality and its
purposed, unintentional and consequential action. As that which can
significantly challenge one's limits of acceptability as normality.

That I have as a composite anti-terrorism initiative sought to challenge
religious dogma (ie. whether belief, dis-belief or non-belief)
associated to same-sex marriage and which collectively finds it impetus
within the encapsulation of mind, body and soul as articulated by the
faux-wisdom as Pythagorean sophistry which deploys a binary (ie. gender
and spermatic bifurcated attribution) paradigm as a transformative
prototype within its HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER:

MIND: {#1 + #2 = #3} +
SCIENCE: {#3 + #4 = #7} +
OPINION: {#5 + #6 = #11} +
SENSE: {#7 + #8 = #15} = #36 (ie. H27 - Realm of its Nature as Heaven -
Formula of Universal Law + H9 - System's Cosmology as Earth - Formula of

'I *swear* by him who the TETRAKTYS (#10) found,
Whence all our wisdom springs and which contains
Perennial Nature's fountain, cause and root.'

And whilst this encompasses a broad spectrum of opposition which is
usually conveyed in varying degrees of acceptance, permissiveness,
toleration and equitability. And in considering the existentialist
theories of sexual attraction like that of mesmerism, may find it’s
validation as authenticity within a knowledge source of ignorance,
distorted realities, delusion or some other natural biological theories.
It is an indisputable fact, that in the circumstance of extremism,
whether religious based or not, that this opposition is more likely to
be the most adversely pronounced in being unreasonable, intolerant,
hostile and violent.

It is futile as an attempt to overcome this irrational opposition from
any perspective which is exclusively dependent upon semantical argument,
hypothetical scenarios or fictional realities. One must have recourse
to factuality as circumspection which draws upon a wide spectrum of real
(ie. whether good or bad, happy or sad is immaterial) experience which
is sustained by an encapsulation of mind, body and soul as articulated
by an alternative HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER and that is capable of
sustaining sexual dynamics without exhibiting modal incongruities which
are indulgently capable of impugning the autonomy of will that is
intrinsic to sexual identity.

In that regard when I on 13 September, 2016 expressed an opinion on the
“Autonomy of Will: Same Sex Marriage & Retaining the Liberty of
Recreational Sexual Activity” to various Gay and Bisexual Community
specialist interest FaceBook Groups including “Nasty Kink Pigs” as
comprising some 2,700 members, with the view: “to clearly convey to
those dogmatic religionists that the Pythagorean HETEROS mysticism basis
to their belief, non-belief or dis-belief is understood to be BABYLONIAN
WHOREDOM as the false worship of the gods Baal-Peor as Priapus (ie. an
erect phallus) and the sibling god Hymen (ie. marriage) and is not
associated in anyway to either God Almighty or his son Jesus
Christ--although they may as a state of delusion, believe otherwise.

That not only is an urgent repentance required from them (ie. they
cannot crucify the son again) but since this is associated entirely to
my Intellectual Property as a gay man and as copyright conveys a lawful
basis to religious belief as a natural and common law capacity as an
egalitarian right to the definition of same sex marriage as being then
intrinsic to an authentic DAOist and Jewish-Christian identity.

That the mantra, ‘I’m straight and I can marry’ is no longer a deified
proclamation given it's nature as BABYLONIAN WHOREDOM.

It also affords a grace and a human dignity in the unqualified
recognition of the liberty expressed by those within the GLBTI community
who routinely engage within recreational sexual activity as an ethical
sporting prowess, without a capacity for them to undertake the
introduced marriage idiom as their custom and is without a capacity to
moralise and cast aspersions on those who do not as their presupposing a
greater claim to piety.

Thus, I put to you that your statement is entirely false, ill-formed and
ignorant about the people of religious belief being capable of exerting
a disproportionate and an unholy force upon the independent conscious of
our parliamentarians with respect to the passage of the same sex
marriage legislation.

My indulgence in this response to you was to clearly convey, that my
quiet and unassuming manner of effectual persuasion in advocacy on
behalf the GLBTI Community is potentially most capable:

It's bite is excessively venomous as a poisonous asp.

If they (the claimed religious) due to a misguided and ignorant
religious belief, do not unconditionally acquiesce to this prerogative
as I have conveyed and which is placed as a demand upon them, so as to
enable the process of government to proceed unhindered in its natural
course towards it's reasonable conclusion in the enactment of the same
sex legislation.

Thus, given such a detailed explanation and this forewarning: that this
is not then an idle, whimsical vagary and un-intentioned boast to say,
'they can go to hell for all I care.'

It's quite within my means and capability to send you there.”

That not only did I receive no negative comments, but there was shown an
uncharacteristic high level of gratitude as appreciation expressed
towards a conveyance and inclusion of them in thoughtful consideration.

And that same opinion was conveyed to the Australian Labor Party’s
FaceBook page originating post of 12 September, 2016 which a month later
still appears on the top of all the responses to their initial
submission, which itself received over 39,000 likes, 12,800 shares and
some 1,600 comments.

Again there were no negative comments received.

So next time you find an anonymous slanderous and knowingly defamatory
quote, could you ensure that it isn’t from someone who has run off in an
abandonment of reality, any remaining vitality of life as their
wretchedness and vagabond (i.e. [informal, dated] a dishonest or
unprincipled person) substance of their being in having the Spirit of
God departed from them henceforth.

I have now clearly become the cause célèbre of a convalesced community
attitude of disdain, where after 20 years of futile and patient attempts
to dialogue on what I have considered the most important subject of life.

I am now being systematically targeted as an object of derision by
unbridled slander which is most sinister and perverse in that it has
never given any answers to the questions which I have raised, having
never provided an intuitive counter argument of reason as thesis in
opposition. Rather it has by an unbridled irrational hatred, physical
actions of malicious harm and deprivations accompanying defamatory
characterisation of slander which is intent on completing the process of
dehumanised of me by denying that I have any entitlement in exhibiting
an impatience, that I unreasonably being depraved in my opposition
towards others such as the Roman Catholic Church is without any
sufficient cause (ie. rabid and ferocious) to so brutally malign their
piety, who as men struggle with their perfection as to be accountable to
fair and equitable justice. I am characterised as being entirely
dispossessed of a rational mind as a raving lunatic.

I have been accountable for all my actions and every statement which I
have made and in some sense, my disciplined binding of others with just
my words and disclosing the prospect of a painful detriment, the
magnitude of such is unsurpassed. Might be considered a perversity,
depravity and a debauchery such sadomasochistic bondage and disciple.


I have now concluded my discourse and articulated all the necessary
argument to accomplish all my objectives which I had clearly proposed
and I will now make those unreasonably engaged within a cause célèbre to
now be accountable in a court of law, for all your statements and
actions and to clearly differentiate such actions from a fascist
identity—which you will not only be incapable of do so but you will bear
a severe consequence for such disregard made against the person, name
and dignity of another, without any consciousness of an accountability
for the consequence of hate speech as a habitual predilection of your
debauched life, as so lived indulgently to the expense and to the
uncaring, indolent manner as a detriment made of others.

And as community activism I have also given auxiliary and prerogative
support to the requirements for same sex marriage recognition within our
laws. This has been accomplished by the dramatic insight which I have,
relating to the culture of disrespect towards the humanity of others,
which pervades social media platforms such as GRINDR. And reasonably
ought not to be the determinant of any possible casual sexual encounter
between persons.

Sufficient grounds exist to raise the matter as a complaint of habitual
dehumanising conduct constituting Treason (25 years imprisonment) as
Crimes Against Humanity as being more properly a war crime, and which to
ought brought to the attention of the FBI within the United States of
America in relation to the Corporate culture of both SCRUFF/GRINDR.

Given a claimed Universal Jurisdiction, a warrant ought to be sought to
investigate such company records so as to identify the degree of
involvement and culpability by those companies within the violent Cyber
warfare as attacks which were expressly made in the last two weeks as a
deliberate targeting upon me.

Special attention ought to be given to the respective organisation's
responsiveness to the complaints which I have made to them in good faith.

In the circumstance of GRINDR, I seek the identity of the persons who
allegedly made improper and untruthful complaints on the 100th
anniversary of World War II on 19 July, 2016.

And yesterday I had a 25yo from the local precinct make disparaging and
agist comments which I consider to hate speech and a contemptuous
disrespect of principles relating to the SOVEREIGN CROWN as which is my
justified entitlement.

I seek his immediate arrest and will give counsel in due course as
considerations made by the presiding judge that he ought to receive a 5
year prison sentence.

I've been awake and working all night so as to secure my computer and
mobile systems. And one again on this occasion, because of the high
probability that my mobile had its security compromised, I had to
consider the real need to wipe all its data.

And if anyone is wondering where is the fruit to my 7 January 2017
comment: “I've been up all night trying to find some breadcrumbs of
mercy and grace for Victoria Police…“

The answer to that is CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING #386 - #6, #80, #200,
#100 paraq (H6564): 1) fragment, broken crumb, broth; associated to this
unusual title: 'Is Israel True to its Jewishness? A Parable on the Lost
Password as the Name of God'

NOTE: "White House Press Secretary gets trolled for tweeting 'password'
on 25 and 26 January 2017"


Nous: #45
Time: 08:40 hrs
Date: 2017.8.2
Torah: #1 #20 #1 %81 = #22
Dao: Extremes and Reversals, Greatest Virtue
Tetra: #28 - Change
I-Ching:H49 - Radical Change, Revolution (moulting), Skinning, The bridle

Latin: Aternum {Good & Patient God} Alt: Meboahyah {Havens (Harbors) of
God} {
4. Chous

Enoch {Initiated. Figuratively to initiate or discipline; dedicate,
train up}

- http://www.grapple369.com?zen:1,row:4,col:5,nous:45

And you have caused me data loss and financial distress such that, I
demand that the charge as an Indictment of Treason is brought against
GRINDR's CEO Joel Simkhai and he be subject to arrest and deprivation of
liberty until the matter can be determined by our legal jurisdiction.

I've had enough of it all, I'm hungry and I'm cranky. In that I don't
give a damn to have ruthlessly and publicly cursed his soul to hell and
I will not relent.

I will now place this draft into the public arena and undertake to
conclude it once I've had some refreshment--a bloody steak and a couple
of beers.”

- dolf


- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indR0lrejEwWVRra3c

Initial Post: 1 February, 2017
The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006
defines a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is
permissible to extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN

That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor
prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[IOS] SAPIEN[T] as

- http://www.grapple369.com


After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its
geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean