Chopping verse 13 away from Jn.1:12 evidences the Co-Redeemer's as being guilty of Rev.22:18,19...
(too old to reply)
2016-07-17 12:43:31 UTC
Why would Co-Redeeming minister's want to preach to their flocks that by the removal of Jn.1:13 from their preaching of
salvation that such has no bearing on their congregations belief systems ? All a person has to do
( ' do ' ... a verb of action... a work on fallen man's part ) is " accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord ? " ( " accept "...
a verb depicting action on the part of the one filling this condition to salvation ) That such a passage as Jn.1:13 has no
bearing in God's revealed method ( singular ) of salvation is the lie that brings Co-Redeemer's under the curse of

They do this in order to get the boast of telling the world how smart they are to have understood the Gospel of Jesus Christ
in their fallen state of being... which can not be understood by fallen man, Ro.1:23; 3:11; 1 Cor.2:4-8. They've deleted
Jn.1:13 because it interferes with the retention of free will to choose Christ or not... after all, the belief systems of
Co-Redeemer's is built upon the scheme that " Salvation is an individual choice."

That says a whole lot against Lk.19:10 and Ro.10:20 where we are told that Christ came to seek and to save and He finds those
* Not * seeking Him. Those in Adam do not seek for God, Ro.3:10 and following... a context of charges against those in Adam
telling all persons who take these passages to heart that in no manner, way, shape or form does man seek for God so he can
make his " individual choice " to " accept Jesus."

This " acceptance " of Christ as ones personal Savior as taught in Christendom these days is thereby strictly by man's design
of what salvation should be, but isn't.

Notice the common Co-Redemption practice of reversing Jn.3:3 to make it sound that a person in Adam, dead in sin, understands
the kingdom of God and then " accepts Jesus " to become born again. Such is in keeping with the Co-Redeemer's scheme that
" Salvation is an individual choice." Such deletes " there are none that understand," making the Co-Redeemer's guilty once
again for removing pertinent Bible doctrine from their schemes of what salvation really is.

And they carry their crooked theology out of their churches and into the world polluting it as they go thus fulfilling God's
Word when He says in Lev.20:22 that the land will spew out those who violate the keeping of His Word in truth. The land
spewing out the Co-Redeemer's refers to this world, since Co-Redeemer's have no inheritance in the kingdom of God... this
world which is determined for complete removal along with all of the wicked persons so polluting it as we read in 2 Pet.3:8.

As with the Pharisees of Jesus' day the Co-Redeemer's of today fuel their thinking about Divine matter's from denominational
traditions. Mingling passages of Holy Scripture into their banter gives the Co-Redeemer's a guise of righteousness but we see
their righteousness is based on self-preservation, not Holy Scripture... Co-Redeemer's use Plato's burning hell as a scare
tactic to maneuver people into the thinking that the way to avoid being cast into Plato's hell, since Co-Redeemer's preach
fallen man is immortal so he can indeed be cast into hell where fallen man will never die but live alive tormented for
infinity, is to cooperate with his denomination and fill conditions so Christ would redeem him.

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Steve Hayes
2016-07-19 03:23:49 UTC
Chopping verse 13 away from Jn.1:12 evidences the Co-Redeemer's as being guilty of Rev.22:18,19...
Co-Redeemer's WHAT?

Who is this "Co-Redeemer" anyway?
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Steve Hayes