This is as bad as it gets... the RCC telling us Mary has authority to save unto eternal life.
(too old to reply)
2012-08-23 22:15:17 UTC
they might as well name Mary " Mary Christ " since they already refer to her as " Co-Redeemer. "
they gave a dead human the power to forgive sin as well and harbored forgiveness of sin for
themselves... there's lots of money to be made in putting peoples fear's to rest of meeting an angry
God and being sent to hell forever so... " why not grab some money for ourselves and get the lazy,
ignorant peoples of the world who are too busy to read the Bible for themselves to find out the
truth and pay us for safe passage through this life and all eternity ? "
never once do we find in Holy Scripture Mary preaching the gospel to anyone. we never find her
healing anyone and we never find her appearing to anyone out of thin air changing God's Word so to
make it fit Catholic / East Orthodox doctrines which came later.
for this cause we turn to 1 Jn.2:22 and find that anyone preaching another Jesus Christ is a liar
and an anti-Christ. there is only one Savior just as God says in Isa.43:11...
" I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour. "
why then do they broadcast a competitive savior, and a female at that, except for money which has
long been the their pursuit ? it certainly wasn't poor people who invented Catholicism / East
pyotr filipivich
2012-08-23 22:51:59 UTC
they might as well name Mary " Mary Christ " since they already refer to her as " Co-Redeemer. "
they gave a dead human the power to forgive sin as well and harbored forgiveness of sin for
themselves... there's lots of money to be made in putting peoples fear's to rest of meeting an angry
God and being sent to hell forever so... " why not grab some money for ourselves and get the lazy,
ignorant peoples of the world who are too busy to read the Bible for themselves to find out the
truth and pay us for safe passage through this life and all eternity ? "
never once do we find in Holy Scripture Mary preaching the gospel to anyone. we never find her
healing anyone and we never find her appearing to anyone out of thin air changing God's Word so to
make it fit Catholic / East Orthodox doctrines which came later.
for this cause we turn to 1 Jn.2:22 and find that anyone preaching another Jesus Christ is a liar
and an anti-Christ. there is only one Savior just as God says in Isa.43:11...
" I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour. "
why then do they broadcast a competitive savior, and a female at that, except for money which has
long been the their pursuit ? it certainly wasn't poor people who invented Catholicism / East
Poor "old man joe" has this small problem. He has no idea what
anyone not a follower of Harold Camping actually believes. Nor,
apparently, any inclination to try to avoid appearing an ignorant


follow up to alt.troll
pyotr filipivich
Gott hilfen und wir leben.
(God helping and we live ..)
