Physics has discovered Psychometric Proof of God
(too old to reply)
George Hammond
2015-05-15 09:37:52 UTC
George Hammond's new book:

An investigation
into the World's first
Scientific Proof of God

is now available on Amazon. You can order copies, read the
description and see the coveron Amazon here:


An e-book version will soon be available on Kindle which can
also be read on your computer using Amazon's free Kindle
From the back cover:

Physics finally collided with Psychology. A physicist
saw that Psychometry had discovered the legendary Structural
Model of Personality and didn't even know it. But even
Physics was floored when he realized it led to the World's
first Scientific Proof of God! In this book the physicist
describes his astonishing 30 year odyssey which precipitated
this event and the awesome new world that it’s social and
technological applications will produce.

An investigative reporter interviewed Hammond extensively
and this book is the result. The reporter had only a high
school science education so any high school graduate can
easily understand the book.
George Hammond M.S. Physics is well known in Sci-Rel
circles and has been posting his research progress on the
Internet for years and has a large number of followers who
are awaiting this book.
The scientific community, and indeed the Religious
community is about to be astonished to find out that the
world's first bona fide hard science proof of God
hasactually been discovered and very few people know about

George Hammond May 14, 2015
David Dalton
2015-05-16 02:44:13 UTC
Post by George Hammond
An investigation
into the World's first
Scientific Proof of God
is now available on Amazon. You can order copies, read the
An e-book version will soon be available on Kindle which can
also be read on your computer using Amazon's free Kindle
Physics finally collided with Psychology. A physicist
saw that Psychometry had discovered the legendary Structural
Model of Personality and didn't even know it. But even
Physics was floored when he realized it led to the World's
first Scientific Proof of God! In this book the physicist
describes his astonishing 30 year odyssey which precipitated
this event and the awesome new world that it’s social and
technological applications will produce.
An investigative reporter interviewed Hammond extensively
and this book is the result. The reporter had only a high
school science education so any high school graduate can
easily understand the book.
George Hammond M.S. Physics is well known in Sci-Rel
circles and has been posting his research progress on the
Internet for years and has a large number of followers who
are awaiting this book.
The scientific community, and indeed the Religious
community is about to be astonished to find out that the
world's first bona fide hard science proof of God
hasactually been discovered and very few people know about
George Hammond May 14, 2015
Could you summarize your book in a few paragraphs for
these groups?

Also, how do you define God?
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"It is time for you to laugh instead of crying
Yes it's time for you to laugh so keep on trying" (The Kinks)
George Hammond
2015-05-17 05:40:18 UTC
On Sat, 16 May 2015 00:14:13 -0230, David Dalton
Post by George Hammond
An investigation
into the World's first
Scientific Proof of God
is now available on Amazon. You can order copies, read the
An e-book version will soon be available on Kindle which can
also be read on your computer using Amazon's free Kindle
Physics finally collided with Psychology. A physicist
saw that Psychometry had discovered the legendary Structural
Model of Personality and didn't even know it. But even
Physics was floored when he realized it led to the World's
first Scientific Proof of God! In this book the physicist
describes his astonishing 30 year odyssey which precipitated
this event and the awesome new world that it’s social and
technological applications will produce.
An investigative reporter interviewed Hammond extensively
and this book is the result. The reporter had only a high
school science education so any high school graduate can
easily understand the book.
George Hammond M.S. Physics is well known in Sci-Rel
circles and has been posting his research progress on the
Internet for years and has a large number of followers who
are awaiting this book.
The scientific community, and indeed the Religious
community is about to be astonished to find out that the
world's first bona fide hard science proof of God
hasactually been discovered and very few people know about
George Hammond May 14, 2015
[David Dalton]
Could you summarize your book in a few paragraphs for
these groups?
okay, but I'll try it to be brief

1. I am a physicist M.S. and this book is bona fide science.

2. A picture is worth 1000 words so here is a picture of me
talking privately with Hans Eysenck in Montréal in 1996
Where we were both invited speakers:
Hans Eysenck was the world's most famous living
psychologist at the time

3. I discovered the world's first SPOG as a direct result
of my discovery of the biological origin of the legendary
structural model of personality which the entire field of
psychology had been searching for over 2500 years ever since
Hippocrates said there was such a thing.

4. Actually the structural model had been discovered by
thousands of researchers in psychometry over a period of 50
years but they didn't realize it. They knew there were 13
eigenvectors in all psychological tests but they couldn't
figure out biologically what was causing them and without
that no one would believe them.

5. I entered the field in 1980 and discovered I was the
only physicists in the world investigating the problem. I
immediately discovered there was a fundamental cleavage of
the brain that was the biological cause of their
discovery... but it took me 10 years to prove it and
published it in the peer reviewed literature in 1994.

6. Having published the discovery of the legendary
structural model it was only a few years before I began to
realize that there were higher order factors ( eigenvectors)
of the structural model, and in fact that because my
biological discovery, that the brain is cubically cleaved
and therefore had 13 symmetry axes ( which turn out to be
the 13 "gods" of the pagan religions btw), it meant that
there could "theoretically and axiomatically" only be ONE
EIGENVECTOR at the fourth order..... a single, lone, final
eigenvector of all of psychology. No one had ever suspect
that this although many people have wondered about it.

7. Long story short, it is easy to show that this final
eigenvector in psychology is in fact THE GOD OF THE BIBLE.

8. This last, top eigenvector of all of psychology is
caused by the well known secular trend in human growth,
specifically brain growth in this case. "Miracles" so
called, are therefore caused by the sudden lifting of
repression. or breaking of a mental block, usually in heoic
circumstances, whereby pent-up and previously repressed
brain growth suddenly comes online and suddenly the entire
world changes including the personality, expression and
demeanor a very person in the world. Psychologists refer to
this as a "personality transformation" where under more
heroic circumstances theology refers to it as a "miracle of
God". And we now have a three decimal point scientific
proof that this phenomenon is real and that God himself is
indeed real.

9. Needless to say the pagan gods are now handily explained
as the 13 cubically correlated second order factors
(eigenvector personality types). The "Trinity" is easily
seen to be the cybernetic feedback loop which controls human
perceptual development otherwise known as the "father son
and Holy Ghost" (input output and feedback).

10. The Cross of Christianity is of course a religious
representation of the Cartesian structure of the cleavage of
the brain which causes four basic quadrants and is the
origin of the four Gospel personalities Mt, Mk, Lk and Jn.
basically the entire Bible and the entire corpus of
Christianity is now easily scientifically explained and
empirically confirmed beyond any question.

11. Finally, this discovery is more than a theological or
philosophical object of fascination. It turns out that it
has tremendous technological applications. For instance.
Using modern developments in computer graphics and virtual
reality technology it will be possible to make a pair of
virtual reality glasses or what I call "GOD GLASSES" whereby
a person will be able to see directly into the "invisible
world". This will be without any doubt the most effective
therapy for mental illness that has ever been discovered,
and its application in the normal population will certainly
be hailed as the greatest scientific advance in "seeing"
since the invention of eyeglasses, indeed it will be
literally possible to "see God face-to-face" as the Bible

Okay, that's about as brief as I can get and I would
point out that my book (URL cited above) is only 108 pages
of 14 point large type and can be easily understood by
anyone with a public high school background in science
Beyond that, the discovery of the world's first
scientific proof of God (SPOG) will now make the
public-school teaching of the scientific explanation of God
mandatory in science courses. And on a global level I'm
sure that we can look forward to the world's first true
ecumenical unification of world religion, a first major step
towards saving the world from impending catastrophe by the
energy crisis, population explosion, ecological collapse,
nuclear holocaust or a decadence induced lethal pandemic.
Please pay attention to this book
George Hammond
Also, how do you define God?
The simplest scientific definition of God is that:


While Einstein has proven that gravity is a curvature of
OBJECTIVE space-time,it turns out that God is a curvature of
SUBJECTIVE space-time. The word curvature here means a
spatial magnification and time dilation. The main effect of
this in practical terms is that it changes everyone's
appearance ... it drastically changes the perceived
expression on everyone's face that you look at... the result
is that no one actually knows who anyone really is.... the
only one who can see everybody, is the perfect or fully
grown man a.k.a. God, who of course has never existed on
Earth; the legend of Jesus notwithstanding.

George Hammond
