I Asked The Lord "Why Are American Evangelicals, Baptists, Lutherans & Catholics Nothing But Mean Spirited Scumbags Who Hate America and Abhor Their Fellow Man?
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Preach To Me!
2019-09-21 17:29:47 UTC
The church is sometimes accused of being bigoted, angry,
hateful, arrogant, elitist, and hypocritical. This doesn't
describe the churches I have been a part of, and in fact most
of the churches I know well are characterized by love,
generosity, humility, and the pursuit of godliness. Where does
the negative perspective come from? Why are Christians seen as
mean? Are they just "haters?" Unfortunately, no.

Churches sometimes get a bad rap because Christians, and often
Christian leaders, are dogmatic in all issues, uncharitable in
public interactions, and quick to pick a fight. Ron Edmonson
recently put a label on it. Christians can be "mean."

How is it that a people of faith, a people who have
experienced grace, be so graceless? I feel competent to speak
into this issue because I was for years (and perhaps am often
still) one of those mean Christians. Loud. Arrogant.
Pugnacious. How do we get to such a place?

In short, because we forget grace. We grow mean because we
forget ourselves and our God. We forget who and what we are by
nature and grace and exalt ourselves (sometimes
unintentionally) above others. We forget the Lord who not only
stood for truth, but is truth, and yet remains merciful. The
mean Christian is big on conviction and small on compassion.
But the former should give birth to the latter. Let me explain
by showing the way to put to death a spirit of meanness whole
growing in a spirit of meekness.

Know Who You Are by Nature

There are two things true of every human being. There two
truths should simultaneously give us a sense of respect and
love toward others while leading us to a place of humility
regarding ourselves.

First, you, and everyone else, is made in the image of God.
The imago dei is imprinted into the soul of every man, woman,
and child. This is part of the common ground upon which we all
stand and should relate to one another. The wicked and the
righteous, the right and the wrong, and believers and the
blasphemous are all image bearers and because of this they are
worthy of respect and love. God is our Creator, whether we
confess this or not, and because all are his we must treat
them as such. How do we treat that which belongs to God?
Carefully and thoughtfully. This doesn't mean we never speak
hard words, rebuke, or fight. But it requires that when we do
such things we do so with care and grace.

Second, you, and everyone else, are sinful. "All have sinned"
making us all lawbreakers worthy of condemnation. This too is
part of the common ground upon which we all stand and should
relate to one another. Both the morally upright and the
morally bankrupt are sinners in need of the forgiveness of
sins. This should lead us, especially the Christian, to a
place of humility. We should see that, in one sense, we are no
better than anyone else. We are broken, needy, and helpless
and can only find hope in the offer of grace from God. This is
where humility is born. Seeing ourselves rightly as sinners in
need of mercy, just like everyone else. When we forget who we
are by nature a mean spirit is quick to take root.

Know Who You Are by Grace

For the Christian our identity is not only found in who we are
by nature, but who we are by grace. We are not only sinners,
but sinners saved by grace. We are the church said during the
Reformation, "simul justis et peccator"-- simultaneously
justified, yet sinful. We are sinners and saints. We are the
adopted children of God, forgiven, restored, loved, and secure
in Jesus Christ. This, above all things, promotes humility and
meekness for we know that what we are we are by God's mercy.
There is no room for boasting in ourselves, but all reason for
boasting in the grace of God which is offered to all. Grace
begets gentleness. Love experienced leads to love expressed.

God has been kind to teach me kindness over the years.
Sometimes I listen. When I don't it is because I have
forgotten who I am and who God is. The mean Christian is an
oxymoron. It really is more than that. It's not just an
incongruity, but a betrayal of God and his grace.
Rudy Canoza
2019-09-21 18:59:23 UTC
Post by Preach To Me!
The church is sometimes accused of being bigoted, angry,
hateful, arrogant, elitist, and hypocritical.
All of those criticisms are accurate about many churches, in particular the
LCMS, and most particularly about Hartung. Hartung believes this: "GRACE
ALONE + FAITH ALONE + CHRIST ALONE." Hartung places *NO* value on Christ's
message to love thy neighbor as thyself - that is, to be good to people and
not go out of his way to be a complete shitbag. Hartung is wrong about
that, as is the whole LCMS cult. That part of Christ's message is *THE
MOST* important part, and can be lived out and acted upon without any of
the "salvation" bullshit.
tesla sTinker
2019-09-21 21:14:00 UTC
your not so well idiot, you think what you wrote below is justified.
Here are the facts. God, whom Christians try there best to imitate,
also have to stand for what they preach, so that others that are pagans,
and believe me, a pagan witch is real, they are everywhere, do
not abolish the Bible or the truths of it. Today, many Christians whom
claim they are such, yet, they remove the words of the real BIBLE, AND
in fact, the real Bible itself, tells you, that it cannot be changed, or
those that do change it, go to hell, of which it says both. And
believe me, hell is real. It is beneath the earth. And it the Bible
also says, at the end, the earths surface will be leveled when Christ
comes. And this is why, the pagans, are building shelters beneath the
earths surface. The Christians, the real ones, will be lifted up to
Heaven with Christ. They will not be in those shelters nor will they
need them. And to keep the law, those that obey it not, are to be
removed. The Bible tells the Christians to do this, also to disobey
them. Because they are not of God. So lets see the yo yo that thinks
just because your christian, your suppose to be a nice guy. Yup, he is
full of shit. Always was. And that, is what it sounds like below that
you have written, which in turn, would make you the pagan, not the
Christian. So I suggest you understand why these ass holes, are
excommunicated like you are. And why pagans say, whom claim they are
christian, the idiots in the protestant churches, are evil. A
protestant can be excommunicated, when they make claims, that the things
in the Bible are not true. And that is when, they become a pagan. God
throws them out Himself. Of which means, the church is not a building.
Nor is it, a heretic. Or one who is of apostasy. or Teaches it. All,
are sinful in that respect that do such. The Bible, no, it cannot be
changed. Not the real one. Though, it also says, it will be. But just
because it will be, does not mean, the true Bible and its laws, will not
be obeyed. They will be by some. And one is ignorant of truth, then
they do see it, and change the belief of themselves, the sin is forgiven
as long as it is asked of to Christ for that forgiveness of ignorance.
So that they may obey Him. And yes, there will always be those, that do
not obey it, Nor to ask Him for the forgiveness. The reasons, yes are
all different, but yet the same two reality's always exist in these
reasons. One is a selfish reason, the other is of plain ignorance. And
God always knows which one it is. And if the change of belief takes place.

Yes, there is supposed to be a Pope. King. Always. Jesus is the King
cause He is God. The other King on the earth, is to be of Him.
And that, is how the true Holy Bible is written of. No one, can change
it. God. And it says so. yet it will be changed. It also says that.
Mean people, can be of either kind. Selfish, or ignorant. As far as to
their own belief, The laws of Leviticus are still in effect, same as
the New testament is.
The beliefs, are justified by what is wisdom of what is true. Some, are
not so wise, and those that are not wise in God, that will to be wise in
God, are to be left with the love of thy enemy. Those that are not
willing to be wise in God, are not to be left with love of thy enemy.
There are two kinds, and no one, is going to tell you what to believe.
Ah, the reason why God said, not to judge. Instead, find out first, so
that you do not make the sin of presumption.

Another words, those that want to destroy God's Laws, are not Christian,
nor are they of God's Church. And just as satan is a snake in the
grass, so are they. So, there are guns and gun powder. Because man
believes, He can make a difference in the end yes. And yes, he does.

Four times is a sin to be punished by God. God Himself says He does
this. Fourfold, and that is why, when a pagan witch sins, and God
punishes to them, they hate God.

It matters not which one it is. There are those that will not go to
Heaven. And they do not. this is the truth of the real Bible. And
since it cannot be changed, I suggest you know what they are bitching
and fighting about, before you will ill will toward them. For God has
also said, love to thy enemy. And for the real reason, is why.
Post by Preach To Me!
The church is sometimes accused of being bigoted, angry,
hateful, arrogant, elitist, and hypocritical. This doesn't
describe the churches I have been a part of, and in fact most
of the churches I know well are characterized by love,
generosity, humility, and the pursuit of godliness. Where does
the negative perspective come from? Why are Christians seen as
mean? Are they just "haters?" Unfortunately, no.
Churches sometimes get a bad rap because Christians, and often
Christian leaders, are dogmatic in all issues, uncharitable in
public interactions, and quick to pick a fight. Ron Edmonson
recently put a label on it. Christians can be "mean."
How is it that a people of faith, a people who have
experienced grace, be so graceless? I feel competent to speak
into this issue because I was for years (and perhaps am often
still) one of those mean Christians. Loud. Arrogant.
Pugnacious. How do we get to such a place?
In short, because we forget grace. We grow mean because we
forget ourselves and our God. We forget who and what we are by
nature and grace and exalt ourselves (sometimes
unintentionally) above others. We forget the Lord who not only
stood for truth, but is truth, and yet remains merciful. The
mean Christian is big on conviction and small on compassion.
But the former should give birth to the latter. Let me explain
by showing the way to put to death a spirit of meanness whole
growing in a spirit of meekness.
Know Who You Are by Nature
There are two things true of every human being. There two
truths should simultaneously give us a sense of respect and
love toward others while leading us to a place of humility
regarding ourselves.
First, you, and everyone else, is made in the image of God.
The imago dei is imprinted into the soul of every man, woman,
and child. This is part of the common ground upon which we all
stand and should relate to one another. The wicked and the
righteous, the right and the wrong, and believers and the
blasphemous are all image bearers and because of this they are
worthy of respect and love. God is our Creator, whether we
confess this or not, and because all are his we must treat
them as such. How do we treat that which belongs to God?
Carefully and thoughtfully. This doesn't mean we never speak
hard words, rebuke, or fight. But it requires that when we do
such things we do so with care and grace.
Second, you, and everyone else, are sinful. "All have sinned"
making us all lawbreakers worthy of condemnation. This too is
part of the common ground upon which we all stand and should
relate to one another. Both the morally upright and the
morally bankrupt are sinners in need of the forgiveness of
sins. This should lead us, especially the Christian, to a
place of humility. We should see that, in one sense, we are no
better than anyone else. We are broken, needy, and helpless
and can only find hope in the offer of grace from God. This is
where humility is born. Seeing ourselves rightly as sinners in
need of mercy, just like everyone else. When we forget who we
are by nature a mean spirit is quick to take root.
Know Who You Are by Grace
For the Christian our identity is not only found in who we are
by nature, but who we are by grace. We are not only sinners,
but sinners saved by grace. We are the church said during the
Reformation, "simul justis et peccator"-- simultaneously
justified, yet sinful. We are sinners and saints. We are the
adopted children of God, forgiven, restored, loved, and secure
in Jesus Christ. This, above all things, promotes humility and
meekness for we know that what we are we are by God's mercy.
There is no room for boasting in ourselves, but all reason for
boasting in the grace of God which is offered to all. Grace
begets gentleness. Love experienced leads to love expressed.
God has been kind to teach me kindness over the years.
Sometimes I listen. When I don't it is because I have
forgotten who I am and who God is. The mean Christian is an
oxymoron. It really is more than that. It's not just an
incongruity, but a betrayal of God and his grace.