What is a " nun " ?
(too old to reply)
2014-12-26 11:28:08 UTC

the female counterpart of a " monk " is a " nun."

such relates to a woman who, in accordance with denominational traditions, lives in seclusion with
her own kind, taking vows to lead a life supposedly devoted to spirituality, to prayer and to
mediation. this is not even close to the Commandment all of the elect are bound by to go into all
the world and preach the gospel.

it is the equivalent of taking ones candle and putting it under a basket. ask any nun or monk
posing as a Christian as they do to fully explain redemption in accordance with God's Word, the
unaltered Bible, and you will get a denominational answer if you get an answer at all.

it's not even possible to be spiritual without having first being given the resurrected life by the
mercy of God, Jn.3:3. one must be first raised from the dead in this life by the power of God so
that the old self of sin and death is done away with. redefinition of Bible doctrine making carnal
out of holy is common to those who obey denominational traditions rather than the Word of God, the
unaltered Bible.

cloistering is a dead giveaway that people who do such things as hide themselves away, all the while
pretending they are Christian, have no sense of what the gospel is all about. we do not find any
example in the Bible of a Christ-like lifestyle in cloistering... the Savior Jesus Christ was a man
about town, so to speak.

( we must always be careful to link the Name, Jesus Christ, with His Name " Savior " because there
are millions of people calling Mary " Savior. " )

therefore we know that nuns and monks will not obey God and preach the gospel of the Bible from
their hidden lair's nor any other place... convents, as well as monasteries, are a place for the
psychologically / emotionally stunted. we see that the most determined drive in a human being is
the will to live. beyond this comes the drive to marry and raise a family which most of the world
is determined to do in keeping with the innate purpose God put in mankind... to be fruitful and

( here again we see how Mary's worshipers profane their goddess savior by lying against God who
clearly shows us in His Word she had at least six other children coming out of her womb )

when we see men and women taking denominational vows to lead a certain lifestyle in accord with
those denominational traditions we have found a people who have not been redeemed since the redeemed
do not hide themselves away from the public but purpose themselves as God has commanded to preach
the gospel to the world. you simply can't do that from a permanent vacation resort.

furthermore, both nun and monk can not exist without graven images of their many gods and goddesses
as they pretend Christianity. we learn from the Bible that idol worshipers / people worshipers are
as God tells us... homosexuals and lesbians, 1 Cor.6:9,10; Ro.1:24 ff, but the Bible is replete
with testimony from God placing the perverted lifestyle of idol worship with homosexuality and

this is why monks and nuns will not use the unaltered Bible as the only source of the knowledge of
God and practice as we read in Ps.119 for example. the elect are taught by God out of the Bible
that the love for and obedience to Him through His Word is one of the few signs He gives the elect
that genuine redemption has taken place, Mt.4:4. redemption in truth can not be faked, Mt.12:35...
we know then by their fruits.
Steve Hayes
2014-12-26 17:46:44 UTC
Post by unknown
the female counterpart of a " monk " is a " nun."
such relates to a woman who, in accordance with denominational traditions, lives in seclusion with
her own kind, taking vows to lead a life supposedly devoted to spirituality, to prayer and to
mediation. this is not even close to the Commandment all of the elect are bound by to go into all
the world and preach the gospel.
it is the equivalent of taking ones candle and putting it under a basket. ask any nun or monk
posing as a Christian as they do to fully explain redemption in accordance with God's Word, the
unaltered Bible, and you will get a denominational answer if you get an answer at all.
That is not even remotely like the Wikipedia article, which reads:

A nun is a member of a religious community of women, typically one living
under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.[1] She may have decided to
dedicate her life to serving all other living beings, or she might be an
ascetic who voluntarily chose to leave mainstream society and live her life in
prayer and contemplation in a monastery or convent. The term "nun" is
applicable to Catholics (eastern and western traditions), Orthodox Christians,
Anglicans, Lutherans, Jains, Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus and some other
religious traditions.

While in common usage the terms "nun" and "sister" are often used
interchangeably (the same title of "Sister" for an individual member of both
forms), they are considered different ways of life, with a "nun" being a
religious woman who lives a contemplative and cloistered life of meditation
and prayer for the salvation of others, while a "religious sister", in
religious institutes like Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity, lives an
active vocation of both prayer and service, often to the needy, ill, poor, and
Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
Web: http://www.khanya.org.za/stevesig.htm
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