If Christ died for everyone as the Co-Redeemers say, why do they yet try and save themselves ???
(too old to reply)
2016-03-16 11:10:24 UTC
Simple enough... they don't trust Jesus Christ. Their belief systems preach Christ as insufficient in and of Himself to save
without man's help. They try to appease God with Sinner's Prayer's, baptism with water, commandment keeping and other
schemes all because the Co-Redeemer's do not believe in their heart of hearts Christ can save without some input from them,
as they say... " Salvation is an individual choice." Recitals of Sinner's Prayer's, commandment keeping and such amounts to
self-justification. My good works plus Christ's good work result in my salvation... Christ can not save without my

" God is a Gentleman and does not force any one to believe in Jesus," is another of their quips obviously intending to
elevate man to the power of raising himself from among the spiritually dead with Sinner's Prayer's and/or other good works
while diminishing Christ's power to forgive sin and raise the spiritually dead unto life eternal all by Himself. Jn.5:21.

Did you ever see an insane person come up for an " altar call " so to make his recital of any one of the many Sinner's
Prayer's ? Co-Redeemer's rely heavily on their denominations interpretation of Ro.10:9,10 even though the letter to the
Romans is written to the elect and not to the non-elect... the non-elect are the people God is speaking of when He tells us
in 3:10 and following they can not understand a single word He is dictating there to Paul... it's " foolishness " to them,
1 Cor.2:14... yet, while filling denominational conditions of altar calls to recite the Sinner's Prayer's ponder how many
fetuses are speaking out saving themselves... filling conditions... choosing Christ of their own free will.

While the Co-Redeemer's tell us to fill conditions to become saved they've made it impossible for the mentally ill and unborn
fetuses to be given salvation... yet, their rhetoric includes the idea that " the Bible is our only rule of faith and
practice." If that were true they wouldn't be trying to save themselves by works done in the flesh such as recitals, altar
calls, commandment keeping, water baptism and so on, nor denying salvation to the insane and unborn. Their belief system of
salvation by works done in the flesh as the means to salvation is strong enough in them to move them to poison the whole
world with their preaching of such. Thanks be to God He has recorded for us that unborn fetuses are redeemed as He so wills,
Jn.5:21, and without filling conditions such as God did with Jacob, David, Jeremiah and John the Baptist all of whom were
redeemed while in their fetal state of being.

And we know Christ redeemed the insane as is recorded for us in Lk.8 without them reciting Sinner's Prayer's or filling any
sort of conditions. When any Co-Redeemer tells you he placed his faith in Christ in order to become saved... and you should,
too, you have found some one telling you he saved himself by works simply because the Word of God tells us plainly that faith
* Is * a work as in 1 Thes.1:3. Faith is law, Ro.3:27 and trusting in Christ for salvation is a work, Ps.37:3. Co-Redeemer's
want you to be saved by works which can never save, Gal.2:16. In fact, the entire Bible from cover to cover is the law of
God, Isa.8:20.

So, when the Co-Redeemer's tell you to save yourself by law they are lying to your face... they are really telling you
salvation is by their own denomination traditions.

Christ comes to seek and to save, Lk.19:10, is a total lie to Co-Redeemer's. They evidence themselves as liar's by preaching
Jesus Christ, Father God Everlasting, Isa.9:6, can not save you without your permission... which is a work on your part since
all are dead in Adam unless and until Christ does the saving as He says... all by Himself, Jn.5:21; Eph.1:4.

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tesla sTinker
2016-03-19 16:42:55 UTC
you are not going to heaven. WE ALREADY KNOW THAT, so; do not expect
any answers to your sick posts.... Devil pie symbol
Post by ¶
Simple enough... they don't trust Jesus Christ. Their belief systems preach Christ as insufficient in and of Himself to save
without man's help. They try to appease God with Sinner's Prayer's, baptism with water, commandment keeping and other
schemes all because the Co-Redeemer's do not believe in their heart of hearts Christ can save without some input from them,
as they say... " Salvation is an individual choice." Recitals of Sinner's Prayer's, commandment keeping and such amounts to
self-justification. My good works plus Christ's good work result in my salvation... Christ can not save without my
" God is a Gentleman and does not force any one to believe in Jesus," is another of their quips obviously intending to
elevate man to the power of raising himself from among the spiritually dead with Sinner's Prayer's and/or other good works
while diminishing Christ's power to forgive sin and raise the spiritually dead unto life eternal all by Himself. Jn.5:21.
Did you ever see an insane person come up for an " altar call " so to make his recital of any one of the many Sinner's
Prayer's ? Co-Redeemer's rely heavily on their denominations interpretation of Ro.10:9,10 even though the letter to the
Romans is written to the elect and not to the non-elect... the non-elect are the people God is speaking of when He tells us
in 3:10 and following they can not understand a single word He is dictating there to Paul... it's " foolishness " to them,
1 Cor.2:14... yet, while filling denominational conditions of altar calls to recite the Sinner's Prayer's ponder how many
fetuses are speaking out saving themselves... filling conditions... choosing Christ of their own free will.
While the Co-Redeemer's tell us to fill conditions to become saved they've made it impossible for the mentally ill and unborn
fetuses to be given salvation... yet, their rhetoric includes the idea that " the Bible is our only rule of faith and
practice." If that were true they wouldn't be trying to save themselves by works done in the flesh such as recitals, altar
calls, commandment keeping, water baptism and so on, nor denying salvation to the insane and unborn. Their belief system of
salvation by works done in the flesh as the means to salvation is strong enough in them to move them to poison the whole
world with their preaching of such. Thanks be to God He has recorded for us that unborn fetuses are redeemed as He so wills,
Jn.5:21, and without filling conditions such as God did with Jacob, David, Jeremiah and John the Baptist all of whom were
redeemed while in their fetal state of being.
And we know Christ redeemed the insane as is recorded for us in Lk.8 without them reciting Sinner's Prayer's or filling any
sort of conditions. When any Co-Redeemer tells you he placed his faith in Christ in order to become saved... and you should,
too, you have found some one telling you he saved himself by works simply because the Word of God tells us plainly that faith
* Is * a work as in 1 Thes.1:3. Faith is law, Ro.3:27 and trusting in Christ for salvation is a work, Ps.37:3. Co-Redeemer's
want you to be saved by works which can never save, Gal.2:16. In fact, the entire Bible from cover to cover is the law of
God, Isa.8:20.
So, when the Co-Redeemer's tell you to save yourself by law they are lying to your face... they are really telling you
salvation is by their own denomination traditions.
Christ comes to seek and to save, Lk.19:10, is a total lie to Co-Redeemer's. They evidence themselves as liar's by preaching
Jesus Christ, Father God Everlasting, Isa.9:6, can not save you without your permission... which is a work on your part since
all are dead in Adam unless and until Christ does the saving as He says... all by Himself, Jn.5:21; Eph.1:4.
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