The Drug War is Over
(too old to reply)
2017-07-29 21:37:39 UTC
Recreational drugs, should be marketed for medicinal purposes, and sold out of
sight, out of mind, to people who have passed, a several hour class, apprising
them sufficiently of the dangers.

While drugs are generally poisonous, generally toxic, and generally unfit for
human consumption, recreational use, is a human right, nevertheless, as it is the
right to pursue happiness, as outlined in the Declaration of Independence.

Thus the purchase, possession, and use, of drugs, for recreational purposes, is
right, is a right, and is a human right, which should not be assailed, but should
be protected and recognized, and all and any who assail it are wrong.

The purchase, possession, and use, of these usually recreational drugs, for
medicinal purposes, is an existing validity, and its prohibition, is so
outrageous, as to defy human description. Your right to health care is an
absolute right. From medical marijuana - used and proven prolifically, to heroin
as the best pain medication, and now purchased by people without health insurance,
who are in chronic excruciating pain, - to psychedelics now used successfully to
treat mental problems, to cocaine already used in hospitals, these so-called
recreational drugs, have true and essential needed medical application, without
which, people can needlessly suffer lifelong debilitating ailments, unneeded pain,
or die.

We are not justified by Democracy, but by human rights. If the lives of hundreds
of thousands of drug users are valueless, then the lives of those legislators, and
politicians who advocate such victimizations, are valueless too.

The war on drugs is war on you and me. The war on drugs is war on our people, and
war on our common countrymen. Killing politicians and government agents, who
advocate and practice the drug war, is not murder, but is justifiable homicide and
self defense.

The war on drugs is unchristian, against God, and against men. The war on drugs
is anti-Christ. It is intolerable, and insufferable. It causes unacceptable pain
and misery exacted upon my people, and I do not tolerate it, and I pray for the
deaths of those who practice it, and I pray that those who practice it repent
before they are murdered.

Using war, to solve domestic social problems, shall never prevail. Prohibition is
the antithesis of freedom, and thereby unamerican, and it is absolutely true, that
the war on drugs differs very little, from the war on alcohol in the 1920s, which
was an epic failure. Miscategorizing all drugs as degenerate, as Opiates - the
true "dope" which will destroy you, if nearly; unrightfully denigrates several
substances - namely marijuana and cocaine, which are not as addictive, and not as
destructive, or only a little more so, respectively, as alcohol. While
psychedelics are not addictive at all.

The war on drugs is mainly a war on marijuana and cocaine. Legalize these two
drugs, as outlined above, and you solve over 50% of the problem*. But every drug
is an absolute human right. And the people who use them do not deserve insult,
but advice.

People who use drugs, do not deserve condemnation; but education, and the same
enrichment, freedom, love, esteem, and validation, as everyone else.

Whenever you stop fighting the drug war, the drugs will come right back. As they
are here anyway. Would you plan to still be fighting it in 500 years? It is
obvious the drug issue deserves intelligent temperance and regulation. The
punishments of the drug war do not convince of anything but the existence of sin,
and they are sin. It is obvious the war on drugs is as wrong as murder.

The drug war hurts people tremendously. So does heroin withdrawal. A former
heroin user I spoke to, said of heroin withdrawal: "I didn't know that much pain
was possible."

The drug war is the product of ignorance, dereliction, quackery, and

If my writings and articulations here in this essay, have not made sufficiently
clear, and corrected things enough, then it is only greater intelligence, applied
humanely, and holistically, and not condemnation, which shall save us.

The drug war is the product of ignorance, dereliction, quackery, and
unintelligence. I don't say this to insult or be negative, but because it's a
fact. Shooting first and asking questions later, is unacceptable. Pulling the
trigger and using violence, never solves the problem, except when open war is upon
you, in the extreme of self-defense, but intelligence is demanded.

If you're going to criticize, you need to advocate and thus lead. I've done both
here. If you think not sufficiently, then I pray for greater intelligence and
truth to replace the blasphemy which has lead our country.

Jesus turned water into wine. He would have turned flour into cocaine.

"And we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who
practice such things." - Romans 2:2

"For Christ did not come to condemn the world, but that through Him the world
might be saved." - John 3:17

The drug war leads no one to salvation, and everyone who is a victim of it, to

And, "there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ,"
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation"
"We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the
grace of God in vain. For He says:

“In an acceptable time I have heard you,
And in the day of salvation I have helped you.”

"Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation."


1. Romans 8:1
2. 2 Corinthians 5:17
3. 2 Corinthians 6:1-2
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"For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them." - Luke 9:56

This all just written because I was going insane in the middle of the night. Thank

"Let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food."
- Hippocrates, the father of western medicine

This cost 5 hours of my time, and I don't want to spend my time doing this without

Prohibition is impoverishment. Prohibition is slavery.
Prohibition violates the separation of church and state.
Prohibition is hate crime.

The economy of this country is founded upon the idea that people are going to
pursue their self-interests. If you incarcerate a drug dealer, an economic
opportunity opens up. Are you saying that's an opportunity people are not going
to pursue and undertake? That is contrary to the notion that people are going to
pursue their economic self-interests. If the drug dealer pursued it, someone else
will too. Just because some mafioso told you you can't sell olive oil in your
neighborhood, doesn't mean you won't start selling it as soon as you think you can
get away with it, when you know that you are justified, and you know you are
right. How can this sort of regulation ever work? It never could, and never will.
I don't believe that drugs are wrong. And I know that they are justified by
God. When it comes to commerce: Prohibition is not regulation, prohibition is
The American people deserve to have drugs regulated, tempered, available, and NOT
marketed for recreational purposes, even though they have every right to use the
drugs in every way they choose, be it personally hazardous, so long as they do not
victimize others. Prohibition is oppression, and wrongful crime, and sin.
Prohibition is a violation of your religion too.

People's interests and desires must be protected.
For instance, you have an interest in buying alcohol.
Yet do you have an interest in buying alcohol in the checkout lane?
Then prohibiting that is legal regulation. That could at most, become a matter of
mere convenience, and must be balanced reasonably within the spirit of regulation,
not making it impossible to attain a drug anywhere within a 4,000 square mile county.

For 15% of alcohol users abuse. Even people with two DUI's aren't currently
required to show proof of purchase of a breathalyzer before being sold alcohol,
which makes no sense. They'll put a breathalyzer on their car ignition before
doing that, which is more onerous. Why isn't everyone required to show proof of
purchase of a breathalyzer before being SOLD alcohol. I mean, most everyone who
drinks, drives.

Also, the age of alcohol sale could be lowered to 18 years. But require a
breathalyzer purchase, and a test, before alcohol may be sold to anybody, and
market it for medicinal purposes. Except maybe leave light beer in the bars.

Compliance with the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984, could be made
possible by simply leaving purchase of alcohol illegal for 18-20 year olds, but
reforming the law to allow sales to them. This would technically comply for the
Federal act. This was the case in Louisiana from 1987 to 1996. You know, Bourbon
Street, New Orleans.
Also, the penalty for purchase by 18-20 year olds could be lessened to being
negligible, next to nothing, while technically complying with the Federal act
which will otherwise withhold highway funds.
Federal laws, withholding funds, subject to conformity, were written to work
around the Constitutionally recognized principles of Federalism, and States
Rights. Thus it may be valid to work around them likewise in return.
The drinking age could even be lowered to as young as 14, or better yet,
eliminated entirely. You still would have to pass a test to have alcohol sold to
you. The Constitution guarantees equal protection, but the cruel act belittles
teenagers, and 20 year olds; and deprives them of their just and equal rights.
2017-07-31 07:00:18 UTC
Post by Voter
Recreational drugs, should be marketed for medicinal purposes, and sold out of
sight, out of mind, to people who have passed, a several hour class, apprising
them sufficiently of the dangers.
All illegal drugs should be made legal and sold in Government approved
shops, along with clean needles and other useful paraphenalia.

At a stroke you defeat the drug cartels outirght and remove something
like 80% of criminality.

You would be selling the drugs to the same class of person who buys them
now from street corner drug peddlers at prices that are sky high because
of their illegality and that leads to more illegality in stealing the
money to fund the purchase of expensive and illegal drugs.

A clean legal dose of heroin is produced for about $5 and would most
likely make a small profit for the shop selling it. Amphetamines likely
to be the same.

I'm sure the only persons buying drugs would be the persons who buy now,
and easier availability would not necessarily lead to increased use.
Only to safer use with no fears of over-dosing due to badly cut

And the affects on society would be dramatic. The police admit that 80%
of prison inmates are there due to drug offences. The police would have
the time and money to suddenly crack down on some of the things that
make life so difficult now. Paedophilia for instance, people
trafficking, etc. The streets would be safer, Something like 90% of
buglaries would disappear along with street hold ups and assaults aimed
at money for drug buys.

Portugal tried decriminalising all hard drugs 14 years ago. The reuslts
are good, and for an example the deaths from over-dosing are 3 per
1,000,000 of the population per year.
Compare that with the USA, or Europe as a whole.

The drug war has failed and we need to find an alternative way of
dealing with drugs in society.

Some useful links.


2017-08-04 15:43:46 UTC
On Sun, 23 Jul 2017 13:14:55 -0700, tesla sTinker
ah ha, YOU would like to call it garbage. But in reality, its a world
of opposites. All of it. At the same time, your fingernails grow back
all by themselves same as your teeth do come back in... As if, there
is no heaven and there is no hell.??? Of course, the ones that dont
believe it are full of shit. The reasons, cause, they cannot come to
grips with the truths of these opposites that were so created by God.
Now, lets see you go defy gravity? Or the next volcanoe. You
depression government Cesar gimmick sicko...
Anyone claiming snakes can speak human words is definitely adding private
interpretation to the Word of God, 2 Pet.1:20,21.
We know by this that the serpent in the Garden on the day Adam fell was
not the audible speaker on that occasion... it was Adam.
The Bible says the serpent talked to Eve. Of course it really was
Satan, cowardly hiding behind the serpant, who was the source of the
Ventriloquists do a similar thing all the time.

Satan, we know,
was in the Garden on that day from Ez.28, but having no ability to cause
God's creatures to speak human words but having much ability to speak in
man's mind by conditioning his thoughts to do evil, Mk.4:14 and following,
The Bible says the serpent literally talked to Eve. Bible believers
accept that.

As I mentioned before, Satan was the actual voice, and was using d
we conclude that Satan enticed Adam to speak to Eve to take from the tree
and eat.
Do you really believe this garbage?. I think you should start taking
your tablets again. You'll feel lots better
Yes, it was a simple test, for a simpler life at the time.

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