Christian could be fired for refusing to watch LGBT ‘inclusivity’ video
(too old to reply)
2016-09-15 23:56:03 UTC
It's Catholic diatribe by the ignorant to whom Eternity is lost as being
due to blasphemy against God Almighty the Father and the Son so what do you

Babylon has fallen

- dolf
" ... CHAMPAIGN, Illinois, September 15, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — A
Christian's 14-year career is being threatened because he refused to
watch a training video on lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and
queer "diversity and inclusivity." ... Hall refused, explaining that
the training endorses sinful behavior. "I'm not going to certify sin," he
explained to WCIA-TV.= ... "
-- The Autonomy of Will: Same Sex Marriage & Retaining the Liberty of
Recreational Sexual Activity

(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 13 September, 2016

I thought, given my possession of a mathematical Intellectual Property
being a theoretical noumenon in association to the sole propriety
methodology rights for its effectual undertaking, that I ought to more
broadly convey the summary details of the scope as my ingenuity and support
for the passage of Australian Federal same sex marriage Legislation which
was summarily made in response to a FaceBook post made by the Australian
Labor Party:

- https://www.facebook.com/LaborConnect/posts/10154575480346789

DOLF: "I have a technology associated with global governance and human
reasoning and rationality as consciousness.

Such that it can be used to select your best matched partner just from an
analysis of their speech."

LIBERTY IS ME: "And for those just trying to get their dick sucked?"

DOLF: "That I have taken an extra-ordinary effort as the justified means in
also preserving the liberty of others as their free expression to an
Autonomy of Will being the enjoyment of recreational sexual activity.

Without the need to provide others with an opportunity as the capacity to
make any moral judgments as pious self justification by the imputation of
their choosing to participate within this new social culturing ethic known
as same sex marriage."


On the contrary with respects to your claim of a disproportionate zealotry
as the enthusiasm conveyed by various religious groups unfairly pressuring
the Federal Government ministers to move against the enactment of same sex
marriage legislation.

That I, as gay man with a lawful religious belief as a Natural and Common
Law defined basis to an egalitarian right to express an Autonomy of Will
(which has not ever been prostituted to the Institutional imperative) have
devoted many years of research into the metempirical philosophy
(perennialist school) and metaphysical theology (Torah Kabbalah) basis to
determine the source and cause of the sovereign/marriage dynamic which is
intrinsic to the Pythagorean binary HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER as a claimed
articulation of NATURE comprised by its TETRAD/DECADE/TETRACTYS.

As then the foundational basis to Roman Empire governance, the source of
the 'holy' marriage dogma within all the major religions and the
superficial characteristic of the 10 paragraphs of the Letters Patent of
the Australian Commonwealth of 1901.

Having discovered that this HETEROS characteristic of MIND is itself a
logical fallacy (ie. 1 - MONAD, 2 - DUAD, 3 - TRIAD is only a formula of
progression) and a faux wisdom.

That perversely it is also the basis of the purveyance our Western
Philosophy and all the Sciences is itself are reliant upon as the Chinese
DAOist alternative ternary HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER for its intellectual
means of contrivance and undertaking as a CANON OF TRANSPOSITION and it's
subsequent depreciated usage as a hybridisation.

And by that investigation, I have derived an alternative basis to Empire
Governance being a mathematical based intellectual property as conveying
and subsuming the intrinsic characteristic of both the metaphysical
microcosm (1-2-3) and the phenomenal SEPTET macrocosm (#15 ... #369)
progression of Magic Squares of the HETEROS schema.

Defining this paradigm together with the only authentic natural and common
law statement of a cosmological compliant logical syllogism (as
interpretation of the first 1-3 of the 10 commandments) and a further
circumscribing of it by an evolving consciousness which are both then
foundational to the human identity itself, being instantiated as a rational
and reasoned autonomous entity.

As then a technological expression of Sovereignty conveying an Autonomy of
Will purveyed by an equitable distribution of number as the basis to a
universal egalitarian right and the Intellectual means to invalidate the
Letters Patent to the Australian Commonwealth of 1901.

That by an invention which can itself be patented as deploying an
alternative to the Pythagorean DECADE through a dialectic metaphysical
structure to then be able to thematically decouple this wondrous gift as
Instrumentation of British Empire Governance from it's bequeathing in
perpetuity to its sovereign successors.

Since I'm still retaining the Chinese DAOist meta-principles as the HOMOIOS
understanding of the COURSE-trochos OF NATURE-genesis which was published
in 4BCE as the entrusted continual bestowal of the encapsulated knowledge
to an alternative 'oriental' perennialist tradition, is then associated to
earlier calendar consideration of a Grand Inception of new moon upon the
midnight of 21 December 103BCE, I am able to transcendently describe by
number all the powers, functions and authorities necessary for
dispensational governance (ie. the nature of governance is a semantical
construct) but as a religious compliant (ie. 10 Numbers and 22 Hebrew
letters) construct which is also an authentic Daoist and Jewish-Christian

Because it more strongly represents the meta-principle of self-identity as
a formative progression which is intrinsic to the HOMOIOS Tetragrammaton
definition of number there is no longer a bifurcated male/female and
spermatic notion which is conveyed by the HETEROS bifurcated formulation
and so it deploys a hetero-square Spirogyra ordered capability as it's
transformative layer prototype function being the 8th layer and retains the
Chinese DAOist formulation of NATURE as its autonomous prototype layer.

Under SECTION VIII of those Letters Patent is a demand of compliance given
to the Sovereign expression of the Autonomy of Will for "ALL THE

So as to protect the security of the Commonwealth from any unwanted
intrusion made against its Sovereign Autonomy of Will which can occur under
the guise of the Institutional religious basis of a 'holy' marriage
prerogative accorded under the premise of a mistaken truth as having a
validity of belief within the Pythagorean binary HETEROS schema, it is then
necessary to redefine marriage from its ill-conceived categorical
imperative which was given to it by legislative change in 2004 as more
properly defined within terms of its ternary HOMOIOS NUMBER determination
as a tetragrammaton characteristic comprising a dispersal of the elemental
male/female attribution accompanying the meta-principle inclusion of
self-identity as a formula of progression as then capably retaining the
sovereign/marriage dynamic as being essential to the cultivation of

Thus marriage then means: "the union of two consorts irrespective of

Furthermore, to clearly convey to those dogmatic religionists that the
Pythagorean HETEROS mysticism basis to their belief, non-belief or
dis-belief is understood to be BABYLONIAN WHOREDOM as the false worship of
the gods Baal-Peor as Priapus (ie. an erect phallus) and the sibling god
Hymen (ie. marriage) and is not associated in anyway to either God Almighty
or his son Jesus Christ--although they may as a state of delusion, believe

That not only is an urgent repentance required from them (ie. they cannot
crucify the son again) but since this is associated entirely to my
Intellectual Property as a gay man and as copyright conveys a lawful basis
to religious belief as a natural and common law capacity as an egalitarian
right to the definition of same sex marriage as being then intrinsic to an
authentic DAOist and Jewish-Christian identity.

That the mantra, "I'm straight and I can marry" is no longer a deified
proclamation given it's nature as Babylonian whoredom.

It also affords a grace and a human dignity in the unqualified recognition
of the liberty expressed by those within the GLBTI community who routinely
engage within recreational sexual activity as an ethical sporting prowess,
without a capacity for them to undertake the introduced marriage idiom as
their custom and is without a capacity to moralise and cast aspersions on
those who do not as their presupposing a greater claim to piety.

Thus, I put to you that your statement is entirely false, ill-formed and
ignorant about the people of religious belief being capable of exerting a
disproportionate and an unholy force upon the independent conscious of our
parliamentarians with respect to the passage of the same sex marriage

My indulgence in this response to you was to clearly convey, that my quiet
and unassuming manner of effectual persuasion in advocacy on behalf the
GLBTI Community is potentially most capable--it's bite is excessively
venomous as a poisonous asp.

If they (the claimed religious) due to a misguided and ignorant religious
belief, do not unconditionally acquiesce to this prerogative as I have
conveyed and which is placed as a demand upon them, so as to enable the
process of government to proceed unhindered in its natural course towards
it's reasonable conclusion in the enactment of the same sex legislation.

Thus, given such a detailed explanation and this forewarning: that this is
not then an idle, whimsical vagary and un-intentioned boast to say, 'they
can go to hell for all I care.'

It's quite within my means and capability to send you there.

And I would also draw to your attention the recent religious celebration of
Islamic pious observance which occurred yesterday at a mosque within

That whilst such religious belief is historically dependent upon the
Pythagorean HETEROS number mysticism with it's reliance on a progression of
#15 CE ... #34 ... #65 ... #111 etc Magic Squares, as representing a
categorical imperative, being then the murderous intent which was made
against the principle of the ego as a self-identity and a formula of
autonomy expressing the Sovereign as the Autonomy of Will usurped by Roman
Imperial Governance (ie. Caesar regarded himself as the son of God and
devised marriage accordingly as heiros gamos: the universe in which I exist
co-joined) made against the historical personage known as Jesus of

Thus as is conveyed by a Wikipedia reference, it gave cause for a
chimerical terrestrial paradisiacal [word of the day: 13 September 2016,
www(.)dictionary(.)com] distortion of an otherwise entirely plausible modus
operandi pertaining to an historical event: "While most Western Scholars,
Jews, and Christians believe Jesus died, most Muslims believe he was raised
to Heaven without being put on the cross and God transformed another person
to appear exactly like Jesus who was crucified instead of Jesus."

That they have in the past said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son
of Mary, the Messenger of Allah";- but they killed him not, nor crucified
him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are
full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow,
for of a surety they killed him not:--

'Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power,
Wise;-- Qur'an, sura 4 (An-Nisa) ayat157-158

And they, as I have unambiguously determined from news media reports (ie.
as an evolutionary development in thinking) of that pious gathering, now
also recognise that a crucifixion did actually occur in circa #33 CE so as
to preserve that quintessence of Sovereignty as expressing an Autonomy of
Will which is then possessed by the self-identity and as an attributed
Human dignity from the very onslaughts and excesses by this remorseless
machinery of governance devised by the wickedness of man--THAT THIS IS THE

In further support of that notion is the following anti terrorism
initiative as draft (still subject to micro updates) statement dated 11
September, 2016 which was made as substantiation of "ISRAEL'S SOVEREIGNTY

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indZ0czbEFCNFE2b00

- dolf

Initial Post: 13 September, 2016
Colonel Edmund J. Burke
2016-09-16 15:25:58 UTC
Post by dolf
It's Catholic diatribe by the ignorant to whom Eternity is lost as being
due to blasphemy against God Almighty the Father and the Son so what do you
Dolf, check out the porn vids where nuns get dildoed.
