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2012-09-21 12:44:56 UTC
7 Signs the Barack Obama Campaign Is a Cult

1. Supporters are asked to pledge their allegiance.
Obama fans were
asked to inscribe their hands with the reason they're standing with
the president and then "put your hand over your heart for a quick
smartphone photo."

2. College professors are administering actual loyalty oaths.
professor at Brevard Community College in Florida has been placed on
leave after she allegedly forced her class to sign a pledge that read,
"I pledge to vote for President Obama and Democrats up and down the

3. Every email carries celebrity validation.
One more celebrity-laden
photograph, tweet or email and Obama for America will be
indistinguishable from the Church of Scientology.

4. Supporters faint at the Leader's appearance.
Twenty Obama
supporters required medical treatment in Roanoke, Virginia on July 13.
Before there was any sign of a heat wave, there were three separate
fainting spells at Obama rallies in March. As the Eternal Leader
noted, "This happens to me all the time."

5. Supporters change their names, or at least their Twitter handles,
to Hussein Obama.
At least if everyone becomes a "skinny kid with a
funny name," we'll have found a way to solve the nation's obesity

6. Obama tattoos are the season's hot fashion accessory.

7. The American flag is redesigned to feature an Obama logo.

2012-09-22 20:01:32 UTC
7 Signs the Barack Obama Campaign Is a Cult
1. Supporters are asked to pledge their allegiance.
Obama fans were
asked to inscribe their hands with the reason they're standing with
the president and then "put your hand over your heart for a quick
smartphone photo."
2. College professors are administering actual loyalty oaths.
professor at Brevard Community College in Florida has been placed on
leave after she allegedly forced her class to sign a pledge that read,
"I pledge to vote for President Obama and Democrats up and down the
3. Every email carries celebrity validation.
One more celebrity-laden
photograph, tweet or email and Obama for America will be
indistinguishable from the Church of Scientology.
4. Supporters faint at the Leader's appearance.
Twenty Obama
supporters required medical treatment in Roanoke, Virginia on July 13.
Before there was any sign of a heat wave, there were three separate
fainting spells at Obama rallies in March. As the Eternal Leader
noted, "This happens to me all the time."
5. Supporters change their names, or at least their Twitter handles,
to Hussein Obama.
At least if everyone becomes a "skinny kid with a
funny name," we'll have found a way to solve the nation's obesity
6. Obama tattoos are the season's hot fashion accessory.
7. The American flag is redesigned to feature an Obama logo.
Pledging to Obama 'For All'
Jeannie DeAngelis
American Thinker
September 21, 2012

There was a day when Barack Obama couldn't muster the energy or desire
to lift his hand to cover his heart during the national anthem. Now,
the Obama campaign is asking his supporters to do for him what he
refused to do for America: place their hands over their hearts to
pledge support for none other than President Obama.

The campaign is being called "For All," which is a take on Christian
socialist Francis Bellamy's Pledge of Allegiance, "with liberty and
justice for all." This newest Obama for America gimmick asks
committed fans of the President to take photos of themselves with
their hand over their hearts with notes scribbled on the exposed skin
explaining why they are vowing loyalty to Obama.

Among those willing to send America a message are the usual suspects -
twenty-something Hollywood starlets like Scarlett Johansson, Natalie
Portman, and Jessica Alba.

Jessica Alba, celebrated star of outstanding film classics like
Knocked Up, The Love Guru, Sin City, and Meet the Fockers, is a self-
described liberal feminist. In a 2006 interview with Elle magazine
Jessica explained that she gave up her faith in the Catholic Church
because she "vehemently disagreed with the church's condemnations of
premarital sex and homosexuality." As for the Scripture, Jessica was
"bothered by the lack of strong female role models in the Bible." Huh?

Anyway, Ms. Alba said, "I thought [the Bible] was a nice guide, but it
certainly wasn't how I was going to live my life," which is why a
radical liberal/Christian socialist-type politician like Barack Obama
has transformed Jessica Alba into a shameless shill.

In an email blast to the President's supporters, Alba explained that
her involvement with the "For All" campaign is analogous to how she
felt about the Pledge of Allegiance as a schoolgirl. Jessica said
that whenever she put her right hand over her heart and said the
Pledge of Allegiance, the "gesture was a promise."

Wow, even as a youngster, every day when Alba pledged allegiance to
the United States of America the political pipsqueak was making "A
promise to be involved and engaged in this country's future. A promise
to work for liberty and justice -- and for affordable education,
health care, and equality -- for all."

All grown up, Jessica Alba, who gets paid millions to be eye candy in
movies, is featured in a photo with one hand over her heart demanding
"Equal Pay." Alba's other hand is clenched in a militant fist
emblazoned with the words "Right to Choose."

Based on Ms. Alba's "For All" message, unless she's voting for Barack
Obama to ensure abortion clinic workers get equal pay, someone should
inform her that the President to whom she's pledging her allegiance
pays his female staff approximately $11,000 less than his male
staffers. And in case the mother of two is unaware, way back in 1973,
Roe v. Wade gave her the right to abort her unborn children any time
she wants.

It seems as though, except for those wearing a John McCain T-shirt,
people like Jessica Alba truly believe Obama is "Not Just for Some of
Us," he's "For All" of us.

Thespian Natalie Portman must agree, because she is also planning to
cast a vote for the male feminist guardian of "Women's Rights." Adding
to the chorus, under the flickering lights high up in what looked like
an oxygen-deprived skybox at the DNC convention, glorified sex symbol
Scarlett Johansson registered a pledge on behalf of "Cleaner

In the top right-hand corner of the official "For All" poster is a man
who appears to be gaunt actor Don Cheadle. Lobbying for "A Voice,"
the poor guy looks like he lacks the energy to speak even if he wanted
to. Maybe before pledging for "A Voice" he should muster the strength
to speak with Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the Coptic Christian brought
in for questioning by the Los Angeles County sheriff's office at the
behest of federal authorities for using his "voice" to make a low-
budget anti-Muslim film entitled Innocence of Muslims.

In addition to famous Hollywood types, Obama campaign staffers are
also posting photos of themselves taking the pledge. Unemployed and
having loads of time to volunteer, youthful campaign workers are
pledging for things like marriage equality, compassion, jobs,
education, security, love, healthcare, a future, hope, opportunity,
and success. Thus far, Obama has failed to deliver most of what's
written on all of their idle hands.

Nonetheless, despite the absurdity of pledging anything to Barack
Obama, let alone with the hope of receiving from him love and
compassion, hope for the future, or personal success, "People...all
across the country ... are proudly writing down ... reasons for
getting involved, and then taking the pledge -- to vote."

That is why Barack Obama spokes-actress Jessica Alba is busy reminding
pledgers to "Make sure you're ready to vote this fall. Putting your
hand over your heart is making a promise. Casting your ballot is
keeping it."

In the end, glamorous Hollywood ingénues aside, encouraging voters to
make a promise and then asking them to keep it is an appalling request
coming from a man who has made beaucoup promises and kept none; who
pledges nothing to anyone; and whose vision, if reelected, is to move
"Forward" the nation's misery- not just for some, but "For all."
