Yet another Co-Redeemer preaching Jesus as the failed Savior appeasable by works done by the smart, only...
(too old to reply)
2015-09-08 10:59:23 UTC

On this site we have yet another Sinners Prayer that if you will only recite it and believe in your heart God saves only the smart... then
you are assured salvation because the poster thinks he is the Holy Spirit speaking as God.

Graven images of what is supposed to depict Deity is a direct violation of the First Commandment. Complete with what the poster wants
Christ to look like should alert any one and every one that this person has no use for the Bible as the only rule of faith and practice.
Indeed the Bible is the only rule of faith and practice but the Co-Redeemers evidence them selves as what God declares the unfaithful to be
in thief natural state... " faithless, " Mt.17:17, and completely unable to receive Christ by any act of man, Jn.1:12,13. Violating the
basic doctrines of Holy Scripture does not evidence some one filled with the Holy Spirit. God doesn't blaspheme Himself by teaching His
elect to offer works as the means to everlasting life... man is not saved by works of any sort real or imagined, Gal.2:16.

The un-redeemed are in the flesh and can not please God, Ro.8:7,8, let alone recite something they think saves every one who'll recite their
Sinners Prayer. They are simply calling God a lair when they offer any form of works as the means to appease God so as to save. The same
would be to be saved by sin rather than the good grace of God who does the seeking and the saving, Lk.19:10. Salvation is gotten by those
who do not seek for God, Ro.10:20, lest man should boast, as the poster of this site with many, many references to self as she describes how
she was called into heaven to meet Jesus, which is utter non-sense.

Other worldly adventures are not the doctrine of Holy Scripture... since when does God call into heaven those who make Jesus Christ out to
be a failure ? And when did God tell us that sinners are immortal just as are His elect ? You have to be immortal to live past the grave.
The common belief system of Co-Redeemers is that their message of placing ones trust, which is a good work, Ps.37:3, into the Savior Jesus
Christ, who those in the flesh hate, Jn.15:18, is to scare some one into making their " decision for Christ " in order to quick fix their
sin problem.

Thanks be to God that there is no quick fix for man's sin problem, Lam.3:26, or salvation would be based on works properly done... properly
done in accord with denominational traditions that is. The un-redeemed aren't allowed by God to even take His Covenant in their mouth let
alone recite something another Co-Redeemer concocted as the means to salvation, i.e., the Sinners Prayer. But the Co-Redeemers will keep on
thinking they have a faith to place in Christ, which they do not, Mt.17:17. Who then are they calling upon since it's not the Savior, Jesus
Christ ? Did the Living God give up raising His elect from spiritual death as we read He does in Eph.2:4-7, and let man raise himself wile
spiritually dead in sin as a corpse is in the grave ? Eph.2:1-3.

The " strong delusion " God is sending on the Co-Redeemers is seen in the open as they pretend to use the Bible as their only rule of faith
and practice all the while lying through their teeth. It is a matter of getting the glory due Christ for the saving and transferring it to

When God does the saving it is because of what his Word says... He came to seek and to save, Lk.19:10, and is found by those who do not seek
for Him, Ro.10:20, lest man should claim he saved himself by finishing what Christ started but couldn't finish without mans say so and
approval. This typical Co-Redemption scheme makes for the Savior being a failure. Think about it... Christ died in place of every last
man on earth but every last man on earth is not saved... he is saved only when he himself recites a Sinners Prayer, and, with righteous
sincerity. The Co-Redeemer fills this condition placed on him by his denomination and is told by them " you now are saved." Not to fill
the condition or conditions placed on salvation by his denomination results in no salvation at all.

Furthermore, when God saves a person because Christ died in his place remitting his sins and raising him from among the spiritually dead,
Eph.2, God fills that person with His Holy Spirit, Eph.1:13,14. These 2 elements are inseparable. The Co-Redeemers insist Christ died for
every last man on earth but every last man is not filled with His Holy Spirit. The Co-Redeemers preach God bungled the whole plan of
salvation. That's the kind of failed Savior they preach and want you to trust in.
Steve Hayes
2015-09-09 01:49:32 UTC
Yet another Co-Redeemer preaching Jesus as the failed Savior appeasable by works done by the smart, only...
I assume that if two people maintain a book of S&H Green Stamps
together, as a joint project, then when they go in together to
exchange the book(s) for valuable prizes, they are co-redeemers.
Terms and conditions apply.

Steve Hayes
No one
2015-09-09 02:52:33 UTC
On Wed, 09 Sep 2015 03:49:32 +0200, Steve Hayes
Post by Steve Hayes
Yet another Co-Redeemer preaching Jesus as the failed Savior appeasable by works done by the smart, only...
I assume that if two people maintain a book of S&H Green Stamps
together, as a joint project, then when they go in together to
exchange the book(s) for valuable prizes, they are co-redeemers.
Only if they both contributed stamps.
